Wavelengths and intensities are reported for the K series of magnesium, aluminum, and silicon, using primary excitation. Included in the tabulation for magnesium and aluminum are the diagram lines α1α2 and β and the nondiagram lines α', α3, α4, α5, and α6. Data are given for the Si K spectral lines α1α2, β, α3, and α4, Spectra are shown and line positions and intensities are detailed using both metal and oxide as the X-ray source. Significant differences are seen between metal and oxide spectra especially in wavelength and shape of Kβ, and large changes are noted in the intensities of some satellite lines. Spectra from a number of aluminum intermetallic compounds are discussed, including line positions, satellite line ratios, and line shape. It is shown that the spectra fall into three predictable groups; good conductors; poorer conductors; and semiconductors and insulators. Structurally similar compounds give similar spectra. For instance, line positions, shapes, and intensities are nearly identical for NbAl3 and TaAl3. It is not possible to correlate spectra with aluminum coordination number, and previous work using Kα, where secondary excitation was used, could not be reproduced using primary excitation. Possible reasons for this disagreement are discussed.