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The Cambridge Prisms series will accelerate discovery and progress research by supporting the formation of new collaborative networks to address real-world challenges with a truly interdisciplinary ethos. Cambridge Prisms serve to facilitate conversation and debate of the latest developments and perspectives from the scientific, environmental, social science, medical, legal, economic, and ethics research communities. 

All journals in the series are fully open access and operate under open peer review in full transparency to further accelerate discovery.  

Coastal Futures, Precision Medicine, Global Mental Health and Extinction launched in January 2023, Plastics and Water joining the series later and having launched in June 2023. Our latest additions, Drylands and Carbon Technologies, will launch respectively in 2024 and 2025. Prior to launch, each journal has invited a number of world leading researchers to review the latest interdisciplinary solution-focused research within their area of expertise. This content is currently being published and will fully populate and explore each journal’s topic map. All journals have opened to unsolicited submissions at launch. 

If you wish to discuss Cambridge Prisms or your interdisciplinary research further, please contact us at [email protected].

Introducing Cambridge Prisms