eBook publishing partnerships
Cambridge University Press has more than 50,000 ebook titles available, and distributes several thousand more from a growing list of international scholarly publishers. A full list of our publishing partners can be found here.
Publishing partner ebook titles are delivered to customers on Cambridge Core. The publisher logo also appears on each individual book page, to ensure it is always clear to libraries, researchers and students that the ebook is published by our publishing partners, rather than being a Cambridge University Press title.
Ebook titles from our partners are marketed and sold alongside Cambridge University Press titles in ebook collections and as individual titles. Our library sales team is global in reach, and your titles would be represented in all markets.
We have a Cambridge University Press sales and marketing presence in Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Tokyo, Singapore, Delhi and Cape Town, and across Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. To date we have distributed ebook titles from our publishing partners to libraries and other academic institutions in the UK, across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, India, Australia, South Africa, and to a wide range of institutions in North and South America. Many of our publishing partners have benefited from an increase in worldwide dissemination of their ebooks as a result of our partnership.
Cambridge Core
Cambridge Core combines content from over 410 journals, and more than 50,000 ebooks; allowing your titles to benefit from traffic from researchers worldwide.
Ebook titles from our partners are hosted alongside our own content on Cambridge University Press' secure platform, Cambridge Core.
For each title to be published, we would require PDF files and a standard set of metadata, either in Excel or ONIX formats. Further details of this can be provided on request.
For further information, please contact:
Jack Macdonald, EMEA Sales Director
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 325888