be a nondecreasing sequence of positive numbers. We consider Gelfond-Leontev derivative Df(z), of a function
, defined by
for univalence and growth properties, and extend some results of Shah and Trimble. Set en = {d1d2 … dn), n≥l, e0 = 1,
. Let r be the radius of convergence of p(z). We state parts of Theorem 1 and Corollaries. Let f and all Dkf, k = 1, 2,…, be analytic and univalent in the unit disk U. Then
(iii) if p is entire and of growth (ρ, T) then f must be entire and of growth not exceeding (ρ, 2d2T),
(iv) if D corresponds to the shift operator (dn ≡ l), then
Another class of functions is defined by a condition of the form |an+1/an| ≤ bn+1/dn+1, where
is a sequence of positive numbers satisfying and inequality, and it is shown that all functions in this class along with all their Gelfond–Leontev successive derivatives are regular and univalent in U. An extension of the definition of a linear invariant family is given and results analogous to (i) and (ii) are stated.