We researched a total number of 3974 persons for the frequency of simian lines and all the material is based on 375 monozygotic, 360 dizygotic, 226 twins of different sex and 2045 single persons of two groups of the population. We classified the material collected into three degrees of impress of the simian line: a little form « 3 », a middle form « 2 » and the classical simian line, called form « 1 ». The form « 3 », which was more frequent to be seen than the form « 1 » and « 2 » seems to contain characteristics of « accidental » genesis without any relation to classical simian lines. That was to be found especially in the case that the little form was only on the surface of one hand. In contrast to that the form on both hands allows the deduction, that there must exist a relation to simian lines. The relations between the forms « 1 » and « 2 » are more evident than these of the little form « 3 ».
The classical simian line seems to be more frequent on the left hand and with the male sex than on the right hand and with the female sex. This picture is a counterpart to the behaviour of thenar patterns.
The result of the average population ist applicable to twins, too. Furthermore it was possible to show by arithmetic, that the concordant reactions of the monozygotics and the discordant reactions of the dizygotics are based on the hereditary character of simian lines and their transitional forms. There is a remarcable difference between monozygotic and dizygotic which is caused by the fact, that discordance of monozygotic is to be found in the case that one partner is one-sided affected with. Moreover the discordant forms become less frequent, if the degree of impress increases. The dizygotics are in the inverse ratio.
The absolute concordance, too, that means the same degree of impress on the same hands of both partners, is more frequently to be found in the case of monozygotic than in the case of dizygotic.