Fascicule 1: Articles and Archaeological Notes
Archaeological reports and notes
The Oboda potter's workshop reconsidered
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 340-351
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Burial and urbanism in Athens (4th-9th c. a.d.)
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 352-368
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Fascicule 2: Review Articles and Long Reviews and Books Received
Prelims and table of contents
Prelims and table of contents
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 369-372
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Review Articles and Long Reviews
The horseman in archaic Italy - NATACHA LUBTCHANSKY, LE CAVALIER TYRRHÉNIEN: REPRÉSENTATIONS ÉQUESTRES DANS L'lTALIE ARCHAÏQUE (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, fasc. 320, 2005). Pp. 345, figs. 172. ISBN 2-7283-0720-2. EUR. 70.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 377-378
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The Roman gens - C. J. SMITH, THE ROMAN CLAN. THE GENS FROM ANCIENT IDEOLOGY TO MODERN ANTHROPOLOGY (The W. Β. Stanford Memorial Lectures; Cambridge University Press2006). Pp. xii + 393, ills. 3. ISBN 0-521-85692-2. $100.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 379-386
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Ethnic identity in Roman politics - GARY D. FARNEY, ETHNIC IDENTITY AND ARISTOCRATIC COMPETITION IN REPUBLICAN ROME (Cambridge University Press2007). Pp. xvi + 337, ills. 13, maps 4. ISBN 978-0-521-86331-5. $85.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 387-388
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Rethinking the Triumph - MARY BEARD, THE ROMAN TRIUMPH (The Belknap Press of Harvard University, Cambridge MA2007). Pp. 434, figs. 43. ISBN 978-0-674-02613-0. $29.95.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 389-391
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Putting Punic Pantelleria on the map - ENRICO ACQUARO e BARBARA CERASETTI (a cura di), PANTELLERIA PUNICA. SAGGI CRITICI SUI DATI ARCHEOLOGICI E RIFLESSIONI STORICHE PER UNA NUOVA GENERAZIONE DI RICERCA (Alma Mater Studiorum; Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Archeologia, Studi e Scavi n.s. 15; Ante Quem, Bologna2006). Pp. 349, many figs. ISBN 88-7849-018-0. EUR. 23.50.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 392-394
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Processus d'urbanisation dans les régions nord-occidentales de la Méditerranée (IVe-IIe s. av. J.-C.) - SANDRINE AGUSTA-BOULAROT ET XAVIER LAFON (dir.), DES IBÈRES AUX VÉNÈTES (Collection de l'École française de Rome 328, 2004). Pp. 476, fig., pl. hors texte. ISBN 2-7283-0651-6, ISSN 0223-5099.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 395-398
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Sexual morality as a concept at Rome - REBECCA LANGLANDS, SEXUAL MORALITY IN ANCIENT ROME (Cambridge University Press2006). Pp. viii + 399. ISBN-13: 978-0-521-85943-1. $99.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 399-401
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Dying with honor: Cato, Seneca, and noble suicide - CATHARINE EDWARDS, DEATH IN ANCIENT ROME (Yale University Press, New Haven, CT2007). Pp. xii +287, ills. 6. ISBN 0-300-11208-4. $35.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 401-404
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44-30 B.C. - JOSIAH OSGOOD, CAESAR'S LEGACY. CIVIL WAR AND THE EMERGENCE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (Cambridge University Press2006). Pp. xii + 440, ills. 34. ISBN 0-521-67177-9. $31.99.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 405-409
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The longue durée of childhood? - KATARIINA MUSTAKALLIO, JUSSI HANSKA, HANNA-LEENA SAINIO, VILLE VUOLANTO, HOPING FOR CONTINUITY: CHILDHOOD, EDUCATION AND DEATH IN ANTIQUITY AND THE MIDDLE AGES (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae vol. 33, 2005). Pp. xi + 253, figs. ISSN 0538-2270; ISBN 952-5323-09-9.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 410-415
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New seasoning on an old dish: a fresh look at Apicius - CHRISTOPHER GROCOCK and SALLY GRAINGER , APICIUS: A CRITICAL EDITION WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION. (Prospect Books, Totnes2006; distributed by Oxbow Books). Pp. 448, ills. 12. ISBN 1-903018-13-7. £40. - SALLY GRAINGER, with illustrations by ANDRAS KALDOR, COOKING APICIUS. ROMAN RECIPES FOR TODAY (Prospect Books, Totnes2006; distributed by Oxbow Books). Pp. 123, figs. 6. ISBN 1-903018-44-7. £10.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 416-418
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Spinning a model: female slaves in Roman villas - ULRIKE ROTH, THINKING TOOLS. AGRICULTURAL SLAVERY BETWEEN EVIDENCE AND MODELS (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, Supplement 92, 2007). Pp. x + 171, figs. 10. ISBN 978-1-905670-05-5. £28.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 419-422
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The Sabina tiberina and its ‘Romanization' - MARA STERNINI, LA ROMANIZZAZIONE DELLA SABINA TIBERINA (Bibliotheca Archaeologica 13; Edipuglia, Bari2004). Pp. 230, ills. 193, tav. 6. ISBN 88-7228-399-Χ.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 423-425
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Acqua Traversa and the edges of old Rome - FABRIZIO VISTOLI (ed.), EMERGENZE STORICO-ARCHEOLOGICHE DI UN SETTORE DEL SUBURBIO DI ROMA: LA TENUTA DELL'ACQUA TRAVERSA. Atti della giornata di studio, Roma, 7 giugno 2003 (Comune di Roma Municipio XX, Rome2005). Pp. 353, fig. 323.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 426-428
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Natural disasters in antiquity: flooding at Rome - GREGORY S. ALDRETE, FLOODS OF THE TIBER IN ANCIENT ROME (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore2007). Pp. xviii + 338, figs. 37, tables. ISBN 978-0-8018-8405-5. $60.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 429-432
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Studying inscriptions old and new from Ostia - MIREILLE CÉBEILLAC-GERVASONI, MARIA LETIZIA CALDELLI and FAUSTO ZEVI, ÉPIGRAPHIE LATINE (Armand Colin, Paris2006). Pp. 334, figs. 88. ISBN 2-200-21774-9.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 433-436
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Portus neu entdeckt — der Hafen von Rom im Licht multidisziplinärer Untersuchungen - SIMON KEAY, MARTIN MILLETT, LIDIA PAROLI, and KRISTIAN STRUTT, PORTUS. AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE PORT OF IMPERIAL ROME (Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 15, 2005 [2006]; in collaboration with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Ostia). Pp. xvii + 360, ills. 235, foldouts 2. ISBN 0-904152-47-2. £49.50.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 437-441
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