Review Articles and Long Reviews
Water and the Petra Siq - UELI BELLWALD, MA'AN AL-HUNEIDI, ADNAN SALIHI, DANIEL KELLER, RAJAH NASER, DAWUD AL-EISAWI, edited by ISABELLE RUBEN, THE PETRA SIQ. NABATAEAN HYDROLOGY UNCOVERED (Petra National Trust, Amman2003). Pp. xxii + 140, 7 tables, maps, 158 figs. (almost all in colour), sector maps 28. ISBN 9957-8555-0-6.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 696-699
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The synagogue at Sepphoris - ZEEV WEISS, with contributions by E. NETZER, K. CYTRYN-SILVERMAN, L. DI SEGNI, O. ELIAHU-ORON, J. GÄRTNER, Y. GORIN-ROSEN, Y. MESHORER, THE SEPPHORIS SYNAGOGUE. DECIPHERING AN ANCIENT MESSAGE THROUGH ITS ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND SOCIO–HISTORICAL CONTEXTS (Israel Exploration Society; Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2005). Pp. xiv + 360, 58 color photos, 258 black-and-white photos. ISBN 965-221-057-9. $80.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 700-702
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Rediscovering the architecture of Alexandria - JUDITH McKENZIE, THE ARCHITECTURE OF ALEXANDRIA AND EGYPT, c.300 B.C. TO A.D. 700 (Yale University Press, New Haven2007). Pp. xx + 460. ISBN 0-300-11555-5. $85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 703-712
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The power of stones: Graeco-Egyptian magical amulets - SIMONE MICHEL, DIE MAGISCHEN GEMMEN. ZU BILDERN UND ZAUBERFORMELN AUF GESCHNITTENEN STEINEN DER ANTIKEN UND NEUZEIT (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus, 7; Akademie Verlag, Berlin2004). Pp. xvi + 579. 8 pl. in colour, 109 pp. of halftone plates. ISBN 3-05-00384-7.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 713-718
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Christian emperors at work: policy or pragmatism? - R. MALCOLM ERRINGTON, ROMAN IMPERIAL POLICY FROM JULIAN TO THEODOSIUS (Studies in the History of Greece and Rome; University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill2006). Pp. xii + 336, 1 map. ISBN 978-0-8078-3038-3. $45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 719-724
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Rural life in late-antique Hispania - ALEXANDRA CHAVARRÍA ARNAU, EL FINAL DE LAS VILLAE EN HISPANIA (SIGLOS IV-VII D.C.) (Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité tardive 7; Brépols, Turnhout2007). Pp. 307, 7 maps,135 figs. ISBN 978-2-503-51735-3. EUR. 60.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 725-727
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The Great Palace at Constantinople put into context - FRANZ ALTO BAUER (ed.), VISUALISIERUNGEN VON HERRSCHAFT. FRÜHMITTELALTERLICHE RESIDENZEN. GESTALT UND ZEREMONIELL. Internationales Kolloquium 3./4. Juni 2004 in Istanbul (Byzas 5; Ege Yayınları, Istanbul2006). Pp. viii + 353, figs. 154 including ills, (some in colour) and maps. ISBN 9789758071265.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 727-733
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Documenting the remains at Qusayr ‘Amra - CLAUDE VIBERT-GUIGUE and GHAZI BISHEH, with a contribution by FRÉDÉRIC IMBERT, LES PEINTURES DE QUSAYR ‘AMRA. UN BAIN OMEYYADE DANS LA BÂDIYA JORDANIENNE (Institut français du Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, vol. 179; Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Jordanian Archaeology, vol. 1; Beirut2007). Pp. x + 226 which include 112 black-and-white pls. and 38 color pls. ISBN 978-2-35159-049-2. EUR. 80.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 734-736
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Re-assessing Early Islamic archaeology in Syria - ALAN WALMSLEY, EARLY ISLAMIC SYRIA: AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT (Duckworth debates in archaeology; London2007). Pp. 176, 12 figs. in text. ISBN-13: 97807156 35704. $22 (paperback).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 737-741
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Gems of late antiquity and the classical tradition - JEFFREY SPIER, LATE ANTIQUE AND EARLY CHRISTIAN GEMS (Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden2007). Pp. vii + 221, pls. 155. ISBN 978-3-89500-434-6. EUR. 198. - MAURIZIO BUORA (a cura di), LE GEMME INCISE NEL SETTECENTO E OTTOCENTO. CONTINUITÀ DELLA TRADIZIONE CLASSICA (ATTI DEL CONVEGNO DI STUDIO, UDINE, 26 SETTEMBRE 1998) IN MEMORIA DI MARTHA McCRORY (Cataloghi e Monografie archeologiche dei Civici Musei di Udine; “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, Roma2006). Pp. 155, many ills. ISBN 88-8265-410-9.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 741-744
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A biography of Rodolfo Lanciani - DOMENICO PALOMBI, RODOLFO LANCIANI. L'ARCHEOLOGIA A ROMA TRA OTTOCENTO E NOVECENTO (Problemi e Ricerche di Storia Antica 15; “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, Roma2006). Pp. 356. ISBN 88-8265-373-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 745-746
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Italian ruins in photographs of the Alinari collections - VINCENT JOLIVET, préface de CHARLES-HENRI FAVROD, RUINES ITALIENNES. PHOTOGRAPHIES DES COLLECTIONS ALINARI (Editions Gallimard, Paris2006). Pp. 160, ills. 160. ISBN 2-07-011866-5. EUR. 35.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 747-748
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The photography of sites in the 1840s-1880s - CLARE L. LYONS, JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS, LINDSEY S. STEWART and ANDREW SZEGEDY-MASZAK, ANTIQUITY & PHOTOGRAPHY: EARLY VIEWS OF ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN SITES (The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles2005). Pp. xiv + 226, 130 colour and 3 black-and-white ills. ISBN 0-89236-805-5. $65.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 749-751
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Books Received
Books Received, August 31, 2007 - August 31, 2008
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 753-762
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Books Reviewed in this Issue
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 763-764
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