Review Articles and Long Reviews
Celebrating Philippe Leveau in the landscape - ALAIN BOUET et FLORENCE VERDIN (textes réunies par), TERRITOIRES ET PAYSAGES DE L' ÂGE DU FER AU MOYEN ÂGE. MÉLANGES OFFERTS À PHILIPPE LEVEAU (Ausonius Èditions Mémoires 16; Bordeaux2005). Pp. 318, numerous tables, figures, maps and illustrations. ISSN 1283-2995; ISBN 2-910023-65-6. EUR. 70.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 563-565
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An introduction to funerary inscriptions - MAUREEN CARROLL, SPIRITS OF THE DEAD. ROMAN FUNERARY COMMEMORATION IN WESTERN EUROPE (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents; Oxford University Press2006). Pp. XX + 331, figs. 80, maps 3. ISBN 0-19-929107-1.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 566-568
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A new history of Roman Africa - YANN LE BOHEC, HISTOIRE DE L'AFRIQUE ROMAINE, 146 avant J.-C.-439 après J.-C. (Antiquité/synthèses 9; Picard, Paris2004). Pp. 282, figs. 73. ISBN 2-7084-0751-1. EUR. 32.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 569-573
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L'œuvre de Pierre Salama sur l'Afrique du Nord - PIERRE SALAMA, PROMENADES D'ANTIQUITÉS AFRICAINES. SCRIPTA VARIA réunies par Jean-Pierre Laporte et Pierre Salama (De l'Archéologie à l'Histoire; De Boccard, Paris2005). Pp. viii + 466, figs. 166, pls. 15. ISBN 2-7018-0914-X; ISSN 1157-3872. EUR. 85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 574-576
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Marble workshops at Simitthus - MICHAEL MACKENSEN mit Beiträgen vonHANS ROLAND BALDUS, MILITÄRLAGER ODER MARMORWERKSTÄTTEN. NEUE UNTERSUCHUNGEN IM OSTBEREICH DES ARBEITS- UND STEINBRUCHLAGERS VON SIMMITHUS/CHEMTOU (Simmithus Band III, herausgegeben von Friedrich Rakob; Philipp von Zabem, Mainz2005). S. xv + 171 mit 73 Abbildungen. ISBN 3-8053-3461-3. EUR. 65.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 577-580
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The mosaics of Caesarea-Cherchel - SABAH FERDI, CORPUS DES MOSAIQUES DE CHERCHEL (Etudes d'Antiquités Africaines; CNRS Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, Paris2005). Pp. 256, pls. 91 including 10 in color, several plans. ISBN 2-271-06359-0; ISSN 0768-2352. EUR. 39.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 580-582
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Urban landscape and regional status: the case of Epirote Phoenice - SANDRO DE MARIA e SHPRESA GJONGECAJ (a cura di), PHOINIKE II. RAPPORTO PRELIMINARE SULLE CAMPAGNE DI SCAVI E RICERCHE 2001 (Dipt, di Archeologia, Università di Bologna; Ante Quem, Bologna2003). Pp 142, figs. 108, 2 pls. including colour. ISBN 88-900972-5-6. EUR. 20. - SANDRO DE MARIA e SHPRESA GJONGECAJ (a cura di), PHOINIKE III. RAPPORTO PRELIMINARE SULLE CAMPAGNE DI SCAVI E RICERCHE 2002-2003 (Dipt. di Archeologia, Università di Bologna; Ante Quem, Bologna2005). Pp 250, figs. 215. ISBN 88-7849-012-1. EUR. 22.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 583-588
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Dacia and the Dacian Wars - ALEXANDRE SIMON STEFAN, LES GUERRES DACIQUES DE DOMITIEN ET DE TRAJAN. ARCHITECTURE MILITAIRE, TOPOGRAPHIE, IMAGES ET HISTOIRE (Collection de l'École française de Rome 353, 2005). Pp. 811, figs. 286. ISSN 0223-5099; ISBN 2-7283-0638-9. EUR. 160.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 589-594
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RPC VII.1: the coinage of the Gordians in Asia Minor - MARGUERITE SPOERRI-BUTCHER, ROMAN PROVINCIAL COINAGE vol. VII. DE GORDIEN Ier À GORDIEN III (238-244 après J.-C.). 1. PROVINCE D'ASIE (The British Museum Press and Bibliothèque Nationale de France). Pp. 395 including 67 plates and 6 maps. ISBN 978-0-7141-1813-0 (London); 978-27177-2303-8 (Paris). £150.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 595-597
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In search of Strabo, with some new light on Mithridates Eupator and his concubine - DANIELA DUECK, HUGH LINDSAY and SARAH POTHECARY (edd.), STRABO'S CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY. THE MAKING OF A KOLOSSOURGIA (Cambridge University Press2005) . Pp. xvi + 286, 5 maps, 6 ills., 2 figs. ISBN 0-521-85306-0. $85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 598-601
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A Black Sea miscellany - TØNNES BEKKER-NIELSEN (ed.), ROME AND THE BLACK SEA REGION. DOMINATION, ROMANISATION, RESISTANCE (Black Sea Studies 5, Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies; Aarhus University Press2006). Pp. 183, figs. ISBN 87 7934 174 8. EUR. 31.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 602-603
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When a theatre is a theatre: the Late Antonine/Severan grande teatro romano at Gortyn - GILBERTO MONTALI, IL TEATRO ROMANO DI GORTINA (Bottega d'Erasmo, Padua2006). Pp. 311, figs. 197, pls. 27 (in text), 11 drawings inside back cover. ISBN 88-6125-016-5. EUR. 200.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 604-609
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Hadrian's letters to the athletes and Dionysiac Artists concerning arrangements for the “circuit” of games - GEORG PETZL und ELMAR SCHWERTHEIM, mit BEITRÄGEN VON GUDRUN HEEDEMANN, EMMANUEL HÜBNER und SEBASTIAN SCHARFF, HADRIAN UND DIE DIONYSISCHEN KÜNSTLER. DREI IN ALEXANDREIA TROAS NEUGEFUNDENE BRIEFE DES KAISERS AN DIE KÜNSTLER-VEREINIGUNG (Asia Minor Studien Band 58; Dr Rudolph Habelt GmbH, Bonn2006) . Pp. viii + 121, Taf. 11. ISBN 978-3-7749-3507-5. EUR. 49.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 610-620
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Deux guides de Hierapolis (Pamukkale) - FRANCESCO D'ANDRIA, HIERAPOLIS OF PHRYGIA (PAMUKKALE). AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDE (Italian Archaeological Mission at Hierapolis; Ege Yayinlari, Series ‘Ancient Cities of Anatolia’ 5; Istanbul2003). Pp. 240, figs. 208 (color). ISBN 975-807-069-Χ. - PAUL ARTHUR, BYZANTINE AND TURKISH HIERAPOLIS (PAMUKKALE). AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDE (Yayınları, Istanbul2006). Pp. 192, figs. 103 (most in color). ISBN 975-807-134-3.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 621-623
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The tomb as heterotopia (Foucault's “hétérotopies”): heroization, ritual and funerary art in Roman Asia Minor - SARAH CORMACK, THE SPACE OF DEATH IN ROMAN ASIA MINOR (Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie Band 6; Phoibos Verlag, Wien2004). Pp. 351. figs. 224. ISSN 1606-4712; ISBN 3-901232-37-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 624-634
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Dimorphe Gesellschaften als Profiteure im Kräftespiel der Territorialmächte Rom und Persien - MICHAEL SOMMER, ROMS ORIENTALISCHE STEPPENGRENZE. PALMYRA – EDESSA – DURA-EUROPOS – HATRA. EINE KULTURGESCHICHTE VON POMPEIUS BIS DIOCLETIAN (Oriens et Occidens Band 9; Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart2005). S. 454, 8 Karten, 12 Pläne, 24 Tafeln im Text. ISBN 3-515-08724-9. EUR. 48.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 635-651
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Old and new discoveries at Palmyra - CHRISTIANE DELPLACE et JACQUELINE DENTZER-FEYDY, sur la base des travaux de HENRI SEYRIG, RAYMOND DURU et EDMOND FRÉZOULS, avec la collaboration de Kh. AL-AS'AD, J.-C. BALTY, TH. FOURNET, TH. Μ. WEBER et J.-B. YON, L'AGORA DE PALMYRE (Ausonius Editions Mémoires 14, Bordeaux; Institut français du Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique t. 175, Beyrouth2005). Pp. 393, figs. 486. ISSN 0768-2506; ISBN 2-35159-000-7 (IFPO). EUR. 75. - ANDREAS SCHMIDT-COLINET (Hrsg.), PALMYRA. KULTURBEGEGNUNG IM GRENZBEREICH (3. erweiterte und veränderte Auflage) (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie; Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz2005). Pp. iv + 99 with 114 color, 15 black-and-white, and 23 line ills. ISBN 3-8053-3557-1.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 652-664
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A new look at the landscape of the Decapolis - DAVID KENNEDY, GERASA AND THE DECAPOLIS: A VIRTUAL ISLAND IN NORTHWEST JORDAN (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology; Gerald Duckworth & Co., London2007). Pp. 216, figs. 25. ISBN 978-0-7156-3567-4.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 665-668
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The Roman army and frontier east of the Dead Sea - S. THOMAS PARKER, with contributions by J. W. BETLYON, R. Μ. BROWN, V. A. CLARK, P. CRAWFORD, B. DE VRIES, V. L. GODWIN, J. C. GROOT, J. D. JONES, J. Ε. JONES, F. L. KOUCKY, A. LAIN, E. C. LAPP, J. McDANIEL, R. SCHICK, and M. R. TOPLYN, THE ROMAN FRONTIER IN CENTRAL JORDAN: FINAL REPORT ON THELIMES ARABICUS PROJECT 1980-1989 (Dumbarton Oaks Studies 40, Washington, D.C.2006; distributed by Harvard University Press). 2 vols. ISBN 0-88402-298-6. $125.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 669-686
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Glass vessels and terracotta lamps from Petra - PETRA • EZ ZANTUR III: ERGEBNISSE DER SCHWEIZERISCH-LIECHTENSTEINISCHEN AUSGRABUNGEN (Terra Archaeologica 5; Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz2006). TEIL 1: DANIEL KELLER, “DIE GLÄSER AUS PETRA,” pp. xvi + 256, 80 text figs., 22 black-and-white pls., 2 colour pls. TEIL 2: MATTHIAS GRAWEHR, “DIE LAMPEN DER GRABUNGEN AUF EZ ZANTUR IN PETRA,” pp. 257-398,19 text figs., 469 catalogue ills., and 3 fold-outs, 1 CD and 17 plans. ISBN 3-8053-3579-2. EUR 128.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 687-695
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