To propose a theoretical framework, with bases and foundations, about the implementation and results of cognitive theory in Schizophrenia from observation and clinical application in a hospital inpatient neuropsychiatric.
We propose a theoretical framework, with bases, about the implementation and results of cognitive theory in Schizophrenia. Are described in patients under treatment, his condition at the beginning, during and after a while the same, assessing the progress and results. Titrate cognitive theory as a useful therapeutic alternative in this type of process, as a tool of organization of thought and behavior in individuals with these disorders.
Schizophrenia is a set of mental disorders that are characterized by the loss of continuity of partnerships, of affection, attention and will, ambivalence and autism. Cognitive theory explains the emotional and behavioral responses as a result of the thoughts, beliefs and interpretations. This model is approached as an inpatient in a Hospital Neuropsychiatric Monovalent, considering all the factors that influence their development (environment, concomitant treatments, possibilities of social inclusion).Some patients improve much of his ability, interpersonal, and manage to keep certain work activities. During the course of the observation, in more than an acute symptomatic, get calm your anxiety and adapt their behavior to their beliefs and understanding sensoperceptive sonproducto manifestations of sensory perception disorders, and may question their perception about distorting reality.
Conclusions:Cognitive theory is a model applicable to schizophrenia, in some of its symptoms and stages, since it achieves a better understanding and organization of thoughts and belief system.