The European Commission funded the ROAMER project, which was launched in October 2011, to develop a roadmap to promote and integrate research on the biological, epidemiological, social and public health aspects of mental health. ROAMER has established six scientific domains (i.e. infrastructures and capacity building; biomedicine; psychological treatments and processes; social and economic aspects; public health; and wellbeing) that are being addressed in parallel. This process is developed in three different phases devoted to conducting an initial state-of-the-art analysis, enumerating gaps in current knowledge, and defining advances needed in research in each field. The project includes the participation of researchers, professionals, service users, families and other stakeholders.
The project is funded by the coordination and support action under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). This funding instrument is oriented towards non-research initiatives which require a wide participation of European institutions.
In the session, we will describe the role of coordinators and project managers in European Projects, as well as the current status of funding programs in the EC, the steps to apply to their calls, and the daily issues you should deal with when managing European projects profiting our ROAMER experience.
[ROAMER has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 282586]