Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Savani, Krishna
Mead, Nicole L.
Stillman, Tyler
Vohs, Kathleen D.
No match for money: Even in intimate relationships and collectivistic cultures, reminders of money weaken sociomoral responses.
Self and Identity,
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Sui, Yong
Tian, Qinsi
The Construction and Reflection of Chinese College Teachers’ Discourse Right.
The Anthropologist,
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Marshall, Julia
Wynn, Karen
Bloom, Paul
Do Children and Adults Take Social Relationship Into Account When Evaluating People’s Actions?.
Child Development,
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Clark, Margaret S.
Earp, Brian D.
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McLoughlin, Killian L.
Monrad, Joshua T.
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Crockett, Molly J.
How social relationships shape moral wrongness judgments.
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Matthews, Nicholas L.
Bayer, Joseph B.
Sude, Daniel
Sowden, Walter J.
How moral adaptability relates to communication and friendship with morally dissimilar others.
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Norgren Hansson, Mimmi
The dynamics of care and loyalty in peer relations.
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Issue. 4,
Kardos, Peter
Leidner, Bernhard
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Target article
A mutualistic approach to morality: The evolution of fairness by partner choice
Related commentaries (28)
A strange(r) analysis of morality: A consideration of relational context and the broader literature is needed
Bargaining power and the evolution of un-fair, non-mutualistic moral norms
Baumard et al.'s moral markets lack market dynamics
Beyond economic games: A mutualistic approach to the rest of moral life
Biological evolution and behavioral evolution: Two approaches to altruism
Can mutualistic morality predict how individuals deal with benefits they did not deserve?
Competitive morality
Cooperation and fairness depend on self-regulation
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Evidence for partner choice in toddlers: Considering the breadth of other-oriented behaviours
From mutualism to moral transcendence
From partner choice to equity – and beyond?
Heterogeneity in fairness views: A challenge to the mutualistic approach?
Intertemporal bargaining predicts moral behavior, even in anonymous, one-shot economic games1
Modeling justice as a natural phenomenon
More to morality than mutualism: Consistent contributors exist and they can inspire costly generosity in others
Mutualism is only a part of human morality
Non-mutualistic morality
Not all mutualism is fair, and not all fairness is mutualistic
Partner selection, coordination games, and group selection
Sense of fairness: Not by itself a moral sense and not a foundation of a lot of morality
The emotional shape of our moral life: Anger-related emotions and mutualistic anthropology
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You can't have it both ways: What is the relation between morality and fairness?
Your theory of the evolution of morality depends upon your theory of morality
“Fair” outcomes without morality in cleaner wrasse mutualism
Author response
Partner choice, fairness, and the extension of morality