Kefir is a traditional fermented milk originating
many centuries ago in the
Caucasian mountains. It is produced by fermentative
activity of ‘kefir grains’
consisting mainly of lactococci, lactobacilli and yeasts
in a protein–polysaccharide
matrix. The grains contain a relatively stable and specific
balance of microorganisms
which exist in a complex symbiotic relationship. The grains
grow in the process of
kefir making only from pre-existing grains (Saloff-Coste,
1996). When kefir grains are
allowed to grow in milk, microorganisms are shed from the
grains into milk where
they continue to multiply with the production of acid,
flavour and physicochemical changes.
The traditional method of kefir making is currently by
adding kefir grains
directly as starter to milk that has been pasteurized and
cooled to 20–25°C. After a
period of fermentation lasting ∼24 h, the grains are
removed by filtration and the
beverage is ready for consumption (Saloff-Coste, 1996). Kefir
from which the grains
have been removed may be used as starter. However, this
fermented milk cannot be
used for subsequent inoculations to make an acceptable
product, because the original
balance of microorganisms has been disrupted (Kroger, 1993).
The complex microbiological composition of kefir grains
explains why it is
difficult to obtain starter with the optimal and constant
composition necessary for
a regular production of kefir of standard quality
(Koroleva, 1988a). Studies have
been undertaken to establish cultivation
conditions[ratio ]grain[ratio ]milk ratio, cultivation
temperature, period of time and conditions prior to
separation of grains from the
fermented milk, shaking conditions for agitation of milk
with the grains in the course
of fermentation, washing of kefir grains and so on. All
these factors influence the
microflora of the kefir starter and fermented milk. There
are no rules about
household manufacture of kefir. Different reports
indicate a wide range of grain[ratio ]milk
ratios for kefir making. Bottazzi & Bianchi (1980),
Marshall & Cole (1985), Merin &
Rosenthal (1986), Mann (1989), Hosono et al.
(1990) and Kroger (1993) employed
20–50 g/l while Koroleva (1988a)
employed 20–100 g kefir grain/l and Marshall
et al. (1984) and Neve (1992) 50–100 g/l.
Rea et al. (1996) used 1 g kefir grain/l as starter
and 200 g starter in the form of kefir grains is
recommended by Hansen for the
fermentation of 1 l milk (Marshall & Cole, 1985). A
critical control point in kefir
manufacture to obtain a product with constant quality is
the standardization of the
kefir grain[ratio ]milk ratio. Koroleva (1988b) claimed
that it is better to use kefir grains
as starter for kefir production and, at the same time, to
decrease the amount of inoculum.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects
of changes in the kefir
grain[ratio ]milk ratio (quantity of kefir grains inoculated
into the milk) on microflora
composition, acidity, apparent viscosity and carbon dioxide
content of fermented milk.