Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Tackett, Jennifer L.
Brandes, Cassandra M.
King, Kevin M.
Markon, Kristian E.
Psychology's Replication Crisis and Clinical Psychological Science.
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology,
Vol. 15,
Issue. 1,
Gurková, Elena
Praktický úvod do metodologie výzkumu v ošetřovatelství.
Al-Hoorie, Ali H.
Hiver, Phil
Larsen-Freeman, Diane
Lowie, Wander
From replication to substantiation: A complexity theory perspective.
Language Teaching,
Vol. 56,
Issue. 2,
Hegedus, Elizabeth
Vidmar, Alaina P.
Mayer, Madeline
Kohli, Roshni
Kohli, Rohit
Approach to the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America,
Vol. 34,
Issue. 4,
Target article
Making replication mainstream
Related commentaries (36)
A Bayesian decision-making framework for replication
A pragmatist philosophy of psychological science and its implications for replication
An argument for how (and why) to incentivise replication
Bayesian belief updating after a replication experiment
Conceptualizing and evaluating replication across domains of behavioral research
Constraints on generality statements are needed to define direct replication
Data replication matters to an underpowered study, but replicated hypothesis corroboration counts
Direct replication and clinical psychological science
Direct replications in the era of open sampling
Don't characterize replications as successes or failures
Enhancing research credibility when replication is not feasible
Holding replication studies to mainstream standards of evidence
How to make replications mainstream
If we accept that poor replication rates are mainstream
Introducing a replication-first rule for Ph.D. projects
Making prepublication independent replication mainstream
Making replication prestigious
Putting replication in its place
Replication is already mainstream: Lessons from small-N designs
Replications can cause distorted belief in scientific progress
Scientific progress is like doing a puzzle, not building a wall
Selecting target papers for replication
Strong scientific theorizing is needed to improve replicability in psychological science
The costs and benefits of replication studies
The importance of exact conceptual replications
The meaning of a claim is its reproducibility
The replicability revolution
Three strong moves to improve research and replications alike
Three ways to make replication mainstream
To make innovations such as replication mainstream, publish them in mainstream journals
Verifiability is a core principle of science
Verify original results through reanalysis before replicating
What have we learned? What can we learn?
What the replication reformation wrought
Why replication has more scientific value than original discovery
You are not your data
Author response
Improving social and behavioral science by making replication mainstream: A response to commentaries