One of the most detrimental effects on the accuracy of an X-ray diffraction residual stress analysis, XRDRSA(l), is found in the examination of textured materials. The degree of elastic anisotropy and texture is in general agreement with the extent of the error in the residual stress. Several approaches have been made to correct for the effects of texture, particularly involving experimental techniques. Reviews of such efforts are given by H. D811e(2), v.M. Hauk﹛3) and G. Maeder, J.L. Lebrun and J.M. Sprauel (4), just to mention a few.
A brief chronology of the texture corrections involved in XRDRSA follows. With isotropic materials the d spacing of a crystal lattice, d, is assumed to vary linearly with sin2ψ. With textured materials the d vs sin2ψ relationship is nonlinear. This is due to the anisotropy of the elastic constants and their departure from a random distribution, or taking on a preferred orientation.