Jonathan Shear. The Inner Dimension: Philosophy and The Experience of Consciousness. Pp. 243. (New York: Peter Lang, 1990.) $46.00.
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Cyril Barrett. Wittgenstein on Ethics and Religious Belief. Pp. xiv + 285. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992.) £45.00.
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Margaret Chatterjee. The Concept of Spirituality. Pp. xi + 111. (Ahmedabad: Allied Publishers, 1989.) Rs. 80.00.
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Hendrik M. Vroom. Religions and the Truth: Philosophical Reflections and Perspectives, trans. J. W. Rebel. Pp. 388. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdman, 1989.) Paper, $23.95. (Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1989.) fl. 160; paper, fl. 48.
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Donald Wiebe. The Irony of Theology and the Nature of Religious Thought. Donald Wiebe. Pp. xiv + 216. (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1991.) £37.95.
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W. S. Anglin. Free Will and the Christian Faith. Pp. 218 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.) £25.00.
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Edward F. Mooney. Knights of Faith and Resignation: Reading Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling. Pp. xv + 187. (New York: State University of New York Press).
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Ninian Smart & Steven Konstantine, Christian Systematic Theology in a World Context, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1992, pp. 465.
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Arvind Sharma. A Hindu Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion. Pp. 180 + ix. (Library of Philosophy and Religion, London: Macmillan. 1990.) £35.
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Brian Leftow. Time and Eternity. Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. Pp. 377. (London and Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991.) $47.
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Peter Harrison. ‘Religion’ and the Religions in the English Enlightenment. Pp. ix + 277. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.) £30.
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Problems in the Philosophy of Religion: Critical Studies of the Work of John Hick, Library of Philosophy and Religion, Ed. Hewitt HaroldJr, Macmillan, London, pp. xvi+246.
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Book Review
David A. Pailin. A Gentle Touch: from a theology of handicap to a theology of being human. London. S.P.C.K. 1992 x + 192. - Robert L. Fastiggi. The Natural Theology of Yves de Paris. Atlanta Ga. Scholars Press. 1992. Pp 281. $19.95 Pbk. - Merold Westphal. Hegel, Freedom and ModernityNew York. State University Press of New York. 1992. Pp xviii + 295. - Paul Davies. The Mind of God: the scientific basis for a rational world. New York. Simon and Schuster. Pp 245. - Hiroshi Obayashi ed. Death and Afterlife. New York. Greenwood Press. 1992. Pp xxii + 209. - B. M. Marshall. Theology and Dialogue: essays in conversation with George Lindbeck. Notre Dame Ind.University of Notre Dame. 1990. Pp 288. $29.95. - Raymond I. Weiss. Maimonides' Ethics: the encounter of philosophic and religious morality. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1991. Pp 224. $23.95. - David Ross Scully. Alfred North Whitehead: a first look. New York. Vantage Press. 1991. Pp 96. - Daniel A. Dombrowski. St John of the Cross: an appreciation. Albany N.Y.State University of New York Press. 1992. Pp 223. $16.95 Pbk.
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Richard Sturch, The Word and the Christ: An Essay in Analytical Christology. Pp. ix + 292. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.) £35.00.
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Walter Jaeschke, translated by J. Michael Stewart and Peter C. Hodgson. Reason in Religion: The Foundations of Hegel's Philosophy of Religion. Pp. xvii + 464. (Berkeley, Los Angeles and Oxford: University of California Press.) $49.95.
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Basil Mitchell. How to Play Theological Ping-Pong, Collected Essays on Faith and Reason (edited by William J. Abraham and Robert W. Prevost). Pp. 218. (London: Hodder and Stoughton.) £8.99.
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- 24 October 2008, pp. 431-432
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Paul J. Griffiths. An Apology for Apologetics: a Study in the Logic of Interreligious Dialogue. Pp. xii+113. (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis, 1991 - Roy W. Perrett, ed. Indian Philosophy of Religion. Pp. 208. (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989.) - Barry Miller. From Existence to God: a Contemporary Philosophical Argument. Pp.x+206. (London: Routledge, 1992.) - Richard J. Blackwell. Galileo, Bellarmine and the Bible. Pp. x + 291. (Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame Press, 1991.) $29.95 Hdbk. - Terence W. Tilley. The Evils of Theodicy. Pp. xii + 279.(Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1991.) - M. Jamie Ferreira. Transforming Vision: Imagination and Will in Kierkegaardian Faith. Pp. 168. (Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1991.) £25.00 Hdbk. - C. Robert Mesle. John Hick's Theodicy: a Process Humanist Critique. Pp. xxxiii+141. (Basingstoke and London: Macmillan Press, 1991.) £35.00 Hdbk.
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Book Notes
Gijsbert van den Brink, Luco J. van den Brom and Marcel Sarot. ed. Christian Faith and Philosophical Theology. Pp. 295. (Kok Pharos, Kampen, 1992.) - Don Cupitt. The Time Being. Pp. 195. (SCM Press, London, 1992.) £9.95. - Harold A. Netland. Dissonant Voices. Pp. 323. (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1991) £14.95. - Steven Heine, ed. A Study of Dogen, Masao Abe. Pp. 251. (SUNY, New York, 1991.) - Brian Davies. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Pp. 391. (Clarendon, Oxford, 1992.) £45. - Norman Solomon. Judaism and World Religion. Pp. 295. (Macmillan, London, 1991.) £40. - Joseph Mitsuo Kitagawa. The Quest for Human Unity. Pp. 288. (Fortress, Minneapolis, 1990.) - Langdon Gilkey. Through the Tempest. Pp. 252. (Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, 1991.) - William J. Jackson, ed. J. L. Mehta on Heidegger, Hermeneutics and Indian Tradition. Pp. 309. (Brill, Leiden, 1991.)
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Judaism as Philosophy. Jacob Neusner. Pp. 301. University of South Carolina1991. $39.95 - From Fantasy to Faith. D. Z. Phillips. Pp. 224. Macmillan1991. £35; £9.99. - Behind the Masks of God. R. C. Neville. Pp. 200. State University of New York1991. $14.95. - The Promise of Trinitarian Theology. Colin Gunton. Pp. 188. T&T Clark1991. - The Case Against Christianity. Michael Martin. Pp. 273. Temple University Press1991 $44.95. - Turning Points in Religious Studies. Ed. Ursula King. Pp. 330. T&T Clark1990. £19.95. - Probability and Theistic Explanation. Robert Prevost. Pp. 195. Clarendon Press, Oxford1990. £25. - Moral Scepticism. Clement Dore. Pp. 137. Macmillan1991. £29.50 - Faith and Reason from Plato to Plantinga. Dewey HoitengaJr Pp. 263. State University of New York1991.
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- 24 October 2008, pp. 127-128
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