Are dietitians able to estimate patient's weight accurately?
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- 01 April 2010, E163
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Perceived sucrose intensity is related to 6-n-propylthiouracil sensitivity and to markers of sugar intake
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- 17 March 2010, E23
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Sequential changes in PUFA composition of red blood cell membranes before and after small bowel transplant: a case report
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- 08 April 2011, E541
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Session 6: Role of physical activity on immune function
3rd International Immunonutrition Workshop
Diet, exercise and gut mucosal immunity
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- 22 September 2010, pp. 644-650
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Differential effect of Bifidobacterium species on cytokine production in a Caco-2/PBMC co-culture system
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- 04 June 2010, E247
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Are 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) taster status and fungiform papillae (FP) density related to alcohol intake in a group of Irish adults?
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- 17 March 2010, E24
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Dietary energy density of Irish teenagers aged 13 to 17 years
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- 09 September 2010, E364
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Review of nutritional status and dietetic interventions in patients suffering from upper-gastrointestinal cancers
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- 08 April 2011, E542
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Session 9: Food ingredients, immunity and inflammation: animal and in vitro models
3rd International Immunonutrition Workshop
Murine models of premature ageing for the study of diet-induced immune changes: improvement of leucocyte functions in two strains of old prematurely ageing mice by dietary supplementation with sulphur-containing antioxidants
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 28 September 2010, pp. 651-659
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Omega-3 supplementation associated with nutritional advice improves oxidative stress and inflammation markers in chronic renal failure patients
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 04 June 2010, E248
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Development of a tool to assess children's knowledge of non-milk extrinsic sugars, general nutrition, energy balance and physical activity
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 November 2010, E415
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Improved compliance and increased intake of energy and protein with a high energy density, low volume multi-nutrient supplement
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- 01 April 2010, E164
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Session 8: Probiotics in the defence and metabolic balance of the organism
3rd International Immunonutrition Workshop
Gut microbiota in obesity and metabolic disorders
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- 14 June 2010, pp. 434-441
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Characterisation of an in vitro model for proteomic profiling of progressive steatosis in human hepatocytes
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- 17 March 2010, E25
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Combination enteral and parenteral feeding regimes improve glycaemic control in the post-operative surgical patient
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 01 April 2010, E165
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The immediate post-operative period following intestinal and multi-visceral transplant is marked by profound fluxes of sodium and fluid: the Cambridge experience
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 08 April 2011, E543
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Session 8: Probiotics in the defence and metabolic balance of the organism
3rd International Immunonutrition Workshop
Probiotics and the immune response to vaccines
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- 14 June 2010, pp. 442-446
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Who performs better? An objective assessment of consumers ability to perform food label-based, nutrition information assessments
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 November 2010, E416
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The anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenols on human adipocytes and innate immune cells isolated from visceral fat
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 04 June 2010, E249
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Symposium 3: Death by drowning
A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials of intravenous fluid therapy in major elective open abdominal surgery: getting the balance right – Corrigendum
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 October 2010, p. 660
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