Radionuclide (RN) adsorption has long been recognized as important to assure
the isolation of nuclear wastes in a geological repository [1]. Laboratory
measured RN adsorption data have generally been expressed as distribution
coefficient (Kd) values or adsorption isotherms. The proper
application of these models is to site conditions nearly identical to those
used in the laboratory adsorption experiments. This has required that
multiple Kd's and isotherms be determined in a wide range of
experiments designed to bracket expected repository conditions.
The surface complexation (SC) adsorption models were introduced in the late
1970's. The best known of these models incorporate electrical double layer
(EDL) theory [2]. Their use requires that the water chemistry and surface
properties of adsorbing rocks and minerals be fully characterized.
Adsorption is then studied as reactions involving specific aqueous RN
species (often complexes) and specific surface sites. Because the SC models
are relatively mechanistic, they may allow extrapolation of adsorption
results to repository conditions that lie outside the limited experimental
range used to parameterize a given model. Turner [3] has shown that the
diffuse layer model (the simplest SC model) fits a wide range of RN
adsorption data as well as the more complex models. Others have suggested
ways to generalize and estimate SC model parameters for a variety of
minerals, rocks and engineered materials (cf. [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12].
Degueldre and Werlni [12] and Degueldre et al. [13] have proposed a
simplified SC model for RN adsorption that avoids EDL theory, in which the
adsorption of RN species is estimated from linear free energy
It is appropriate to ask how accurately RN adsorption behavior must be known
or understood for total system performance analysis (TSPA). In most
geological settings now being considered for repository development
globally, it may suffice to select bounding Kd values for the
different rock types (cf. [14,15]). Use of the SC models to describe RN
adsorption can provide us with increased confidence that minimum
Kd's and the distribution of Kd values we might
propose for TSPA are in fact conservative.