Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 September 2012
Natural analog, experimental, and thermodynamic studies indicate that the properties of secondary uranyl minerals are likely to control the source term for U and other radioéléments incorporated in these phases in the proposed Yucca Mountain repository. Thermodynamic calculations using data from the 1992 NEA data base indicate an increase in the equilibrium constant for schoepite dissolution from 103.1 to 104.8 with decreasing temperature from 100° to 25°C, i.e., retrograde solubility. Enthalpies for mineral transformation reactions that consume protons and release cations are typically negative, suggesting that solubilities of other uranyl phases such as uranophane increase more than that of schoepite with decreasing temperature. Solubilities of mineral phases associated with spent nuclear fuel will be initially relatively low under the elevated repository temperature regime. As the temperature of the repository decreases due to radioactive decay and heat dissipation, source term mineral solubilities increase. The rate of release of U and other species is controlled by a series of processes: transport of oxidants and flux of water; oxidative dissolution of spent fuel; uranyl mineral precipitation; uranyl mineral dissolution or transformation; and radionuclide transport. Decreasing diffusion and reaction rates and increasing uranyl mineral solubilities with decreasing temperature may lead to a change with time from solubility to transport or reaction rate as a source term controlling mechanism. Preservation of large quantities of uranyl minerals formed by oxidation of uraninite and radiometrie ages of secondary uranophane at the natural analog site at Peña Blanca indicate that oxidative alteration of uraninite was fast relative to transport of U away from the deposit. The successive formation of schoepite and uranophane in natural settings where uraninite has been oxidized may represent a paragenesis reflecting increasing temperature or increasing incorporation of environmental components. In contrast, diminishing temperature conditions in a repository source area could lead to the reverse sequence of mineral formation.