This translation has been made from a Burmese copy printed at the Hanthawati Press, Rangoon, but there is nothing to show whence the text was taken. I have also made use ofa manuscript taken from the Mandalay Library, and now at the India Office. The gāthā, which in many places seem to be imperfect, are not given in the shape of gāthā in the Mandalay copy. In some cases the Burmese translation was redundant, and in others defective, so in translating them, though not a Pāli scholar, I havedone my best to stick to the Pāli text, receiving some valuable assistance from Prof. Rhys Davids. The Jātaka is No. 547 in the Ceylon List, and what is called one of the Greater Jātaka, probably composed at a late date, as it refers to the Pandara Jātaka, No. 521 [vol. v. p. 75, of Fausböll], which I have translated in a note from another Burmese source.