This coin belongs to Professor Gardner's class (γ), “Base silver; type, Śiva” (Brit. Mus. Oat., Greek and Scythic Kings, etc., p. 104), and to the latter of the two subdivisions into which the coins of this class naturally fall. The broad characteristics of these subdivisions are as follows:—(1) King on horseback 1.; name title trātārassa; rounded forms correct Greek: (2) king on horseback r.; name title maha(ṃ)tassa; square forms corrupted Greek. A further distinction is that, in the former, the name and all the titles of the Kharoṣṭhī inscription are in the genitive case; in the latter, the name only is in the genitive, and the titles are given in their undeclined base-form, as if they were the first part of a compound which the name was intended to complete. In the case of both, and wherever else it occurs on the coins of Gondophares, there can be no doubt that the correct title is devavrata, ‘devoted to the gods,’ and not devatrāta or devahada as hitherto read; that is to say, the third akṣara, on good specimens, seems to be undoubtedly intended for rather than for or .