Scholars have known of Ibn al-Azraq and his
Ta'rikh Mayyāfāriqin since at
least 1882, with the publication of F. Wiistenfeld's
Die Geschichtschreiber der Araber und ihre
Werke, but it seems that the history
received its first thorough reading in 1902, when
Amedroz published a summary of the recently acquired
British Museum (now British Library) manuscript.
Amedroz concentrated only on the latter folios of
the MS, particularly those that cover the Marwanid
dynasty, and in his interest in the second half of
the work he has been followed by B. A. L. Awad, who
edited the section on the Marwaīnids, C.
Hillenbrand, who edited and translated the 18-odd
folios that concern the early Artuqids, and A.
Savran, who made some brief comments on the two MSS
of the history. It is of course natural that the
later sections of Ibn al-Azraq's work have attracted
historians' attention, since it is here that our
author, who was born in 510/III6–7, and who probably
died sometime during the last quarter of the sixth
century, has important things to say about northern
Mesopotamia in his day. For this reason his history
was used by later authors;8 as Hillenbrand has
noted,9 here he fills a gap in the historical