A series of laboratory experiments are reported in which a continuous stream of bubbles rise from a small source at the base of a tank of water. Using different nozzles, bubble sizes
$d$ ranging from 1.2 to 11.6 mm were produced for a number of gas volume fluxes,
$Q_b$, ranging between 1.1 and
$21.1\times 10^{-6}\ {\rm m}^3\ {\rm s}^{-1}$. Within a small distance from the source, the slip speed of these bubbles exceeds the speed of the equivalent single-phase plume with the same buoyancy flux, leading to formation of what we refer to as the ‘slip plume’ regime. Through a combination of high-speed photography, coupled with flow visualisation in the plume and the ambient fluid using dye, we find that the bubble speed and the fluid speed remain nearly constant with height, with the maximum fluid speed being of order
$0.30\pm 0.03$ of the bubble speed. Using the filling box method, we also find that the net fluid volume flux in the slip plume increases linearly with distance from the source at a rate
$Q_l = \lambda Bz/v_s^2$, where
$B$ is the buoyancy flux of the gas,
$v_s$ the rise speed of the gas bubbles,
$z$ the distance above the source and
$\lambda$ is a constant related to the dimensionless volume of fluid in the wake of each bubble. This slip-dominated flow regime can be understood in terms of kinetic energy imparted to the fluid as the bubbles rise and release potential energy. Further experiments with particle-laden plumes illustrate similar scalings for the volume flux in a particle-driven slip plume once the slip speed of the particles exceeds the bulk speed of the equivalent single-phase buoyant plume with the same buoyancy flux. Near the source the slip speed may be smaller than the plume speed, and the flow follows the classical model for a turbulent buoyant plume, with the transition to the slip regime occurring at a distance
$z^*\approx (32\pm 5)\lambda ^{3/2} B/v_s^3$ from the source, where the dimensionless parameter
$\lambda$ relates to the dimensionless volume of the fluid wake, which we find varies with the Reynolds number of the particles.