We reexamine the X-ray emission from Tycho’s remnant using results from hydrodynamic models computed with a detailed spherically symmetric code. The observed synchrotron radio contours (Green and Gull 1983) appear to require a cloudy circumstellar medium (Dickel and Jones, 1985; Dickel, Eilek, and Jones 1987), thus we explore the X-ray emission properties of similar models. We find that they tend to produce broad shells of X-ray emission that resemble the observed X-ray map of Tycho (Seward, Gorenstein, and Tucker 1983). A simple hydrodynamic model can satisfy both radio and X-ray observations, but it has little similarity to the evolution of remnants in cloudy media dominated by thermal conduction (McKee and Ostriker 1977). More work needs to be done to ensure that the spectrum as well as the X-ray map can be modeled with the same cloudy circumstellar medium, although we believe it will not be difficult to obtain as good a statistical agreement with the spectral data as other models have achieved (e.g. Hamilton, Sarazin, and Szymkowiak 1986).