Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Stern, Jessica A.
Kelsey, Caroline M.
Yancey, Heath
Grossmann, Tobias
Love on the developing brain: Maternal sensitivity and infants’ neural responses to emotion in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Developmental Science,
Vol. 27,
Issue. 6,
Giacolini, Teodosio
Alcaro, Antonio
Conversi, David
Tarsitani, Lorenzo
Depression in adolescence and young adulthood: the difficulty to integrate motivational/emotional systems.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 15,
Issue. ,
Target article
The human fear paradox: Affective origins of cooperative care
Related commentaries (28)
A novel(ty) perspective of fear bias
Are we virtuously caring or just anxious?
Beyond the fearful ape hypothesis: Humans are also supplicating and appeasing apes
Conceptualization, context, and comparison are key to understanding the evolution of fear
Cooperative care as origins of the “happy ape”?
Cultural evolution needed to complete the Grossmann theory
Developmental and evolutionary models of social fear can address “the human fear paradox”
Fear can promote competition, defensive aggression, and dominance complementarity
Fear signals vulnerability and appeasement, not threat
Fearful apes or emotional cooperative breeders?
Fearful apes or nervous goats? Another look at functions of dispositions or traits
Fearful apes, happy apes: Is fearfulness associated with uniquely human cooperation?
Fearfulness: An important addition to the starter kit for distinctively human minds
Heightened fearfulness as a developmental adaptation
Heightened fearfulness in infants is not adaptive
Hominin life history, pathological complexity, and the evolution of anxiety
How “peer-fear” of others' evaluations can regulate young children's cooperation
Infants aren't biased toward fearful faces
Is there a human fear paradox? A more thorough use of comparative data to test the fearful ape hypothesis
More than fear: Contributions of biobehavioral synchrony and infants' reactivity to cooperative care
Social learning and the adaptiveness of expressing and perceiving fearfulness
The adaptiveness of fear (and other emotions) considered more broadly: Missed literature on the nature of emotions and its functions
The dark side of fear expression: Infant crying as a trigger for maladaptive parental responses
The human fear paradox turns out to be less paradoxical when global changes in human aggression and language evolution are considered
The power of the weak: When altruism is the equilibrium
The suffering ape hypothesis
Under greater cooperative care, childhood fear is more accommodated, but less warranted
We aren't especially fearful apes, and fearful apes aren't especially prosocial
Author response
Extending and refining the fearful ape hypothesis