Lars Fogelin. Archaeology of Early Buddhism. xii+228 pages, 50 illustrations, 6 tables. 2006. Lanham (MD) & Oxford: AltaMira; 978-0-7591-0750-2 paperback £22.99.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 490-491
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- 30 June 2015, p. 245
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Book reviews - Odile Maufras (ed.). Habitats, nécropoles et paysages dans la moyenne et la basse vallée du Rhône (VIIè-XVè s.): contribution des travaux du TGV-Méditerranée à l'étude des sociétés rurales médiévales (Documents d'archéologie française 98). 474 pages, 205 illustrations, 63 tables. 2006. Paris: Maison des sciences de l'homme; 2-7351-0985-2 paperback.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 814-816
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Sarah M. Nelson, Anatoly P. Derevianko, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin & Richard L. Bland (ed.). Archaeology of the Russian Far East: Essays in Stone Age Prehistory (British Archaeological Reports International Series 1540). x+192 pages, 111 figures, 2 tables. 2006. Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-84171-972-6 paperback £ 36.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1105-1106
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General - Graeme Barker. The Agricultural Revolution in Prehistory: Why did foragers become farmers? xvi+598 pages, 138 illustrations, 15 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-9281091 hardback £80. - Roy Ellen (ed.). Ethnobiology and the Science of Humankind (Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Special Issue 1). viii+202 pages, 19 illu-strations, 8 tables. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria, Australia: Blackwell; 978-1-4051-4589-7 paperback £19.99 & $34.95 & AUS$65.95. - Frederic Seller, Russell Greaves & Pei-Lin YU (ed.). Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology ofMobility. xviii+290 pages, 54 illustrations, 28 tables. 2006. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida; 0-81302956-2 hardback $65. - Isabelle Sidera with Emmanuelle Vila & Phillippe Erikson (ed.). La chasse: pratiques sociales et symboliques (Colloques de la Maison René-Ginouvès). xiv+266 pages, 87 illustrations. 2006. Paris: De Boccard; 2-7018-0192-3 paperback. - Michael Bright. Beasts of the Field: The Revealing NaturalHistoryofAnimalsinthe Bible. xviii+346 pages. 2006. London: Robson Books; 978-1-86105-831-7 paperback £12.99 - Azar Gat. War in Human Civilization. xvi+822 pages, 61 illustrations, 4 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-926213-7 hardback £25 & $45. - Rainer Vollkommer. Neue Sternstunden der Archäologie. 2006. 278 pages, 36 illustrations. München; Beck; 978-3406-55058-4 paperback. - Matthew JOHNSON. Ideas of landscape. xxii+242 pages, 34 illustrations. 2006. Malden (MA), Oxford & Victoria (Aus); Blackwell; 978-1405-101592 hardback £50 & $74.95 & AUS$165; 978-14051016-08 paperback £19.99 & $34.95 & AUS$55.95 - Neil Brodie, Morag M. Kersel, Christina Luke & Kathryn Walker Tubb (ed.). Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and the Antiquities Trade. xiv+350 pages, 33 illustrations, 3 tables. 2006. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida; 0-8130-2972-4 hardback $65. - Ian Russell (ed.). Images, Representations and Heritage: Moving beyond Modern Approaches to Archaeology. xxiv+390 pages, 54 illustrations, 4 tables. 2006. New York: Springer; 978-038732215-5 hardback $79.95. - John Chapman & Bisserka Gaydarska. Parts and Wholes: Fragmentation in Prehistoric Context. xiv+250 pages, 123 illustrations, 43 colour plates, 38 tables. 2007. Oxford: Oxbow; 978-1-84217-2223 paperback £30. - N. Steven Archer & Kevin M. Bartoy (ed.). Between Dirt and Discussion: Methods, Methodology, and Interpretation in Historical Archaeology. xiv+236 pages, 50 illustrations, 12 tables. 2006. New York: Springer; 978-0387-34218-4 hardback $99.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 245-246
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Michael D. Petraglia & Bridget Allchin (ed.). The Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia: Inter-disciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistics and Genetics. xiv+464 pages, 109 illustrations, 43 tables. 2007. Dordrecht: Springer; 978-1-4020-5561-4 hardback £73; 978-1-4020-5562-1 e-book.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1106-1107
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Andrew Pawley, Robert Attenborough, Jack Golson & Robin Hide (ed.). Papuan pasts: cultural, linguistic and biological histories of Papuan-speaking peoples (Pacific Linguistics 572). xxiv+817 pages, numerous illustrations & tables. 2005. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University; 0-85883-562-2 paperback Aus$135.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 491-492
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Book reviews - Jeffrey D. Hass. Medieval Selby: a new study of the Abbey and town 1069-1408 (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Occasional Paper 4). xii+142 pages, 18 illustrations. 2006. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society; 1-9035-6445-X paperback £15 +p&p.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 816-817
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European prehistory - Romuald Schild (ed.). The Killing Fields ofZwoleń: A Middle Paleolithic Kill-Butchery-Site in Central Poland. 248 pages, 134 b&w & colour illustrations, 33 tables. 2006. Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences; 83-89499-23-1hardback. - Detlef Gronenborn (ed.). Klimaveränderung und Kulturwandel in neolithischen Gesellschaften Mitteleuropas, 6700–2200 v. Chr./Climate variability and Culture Change in Neolithic Societies of Central Europe, 6700–2200 cal BC (RGZM Tagungen Band 1). viii+232 pages, 80 illustrations, 23 tables. 2005. Mainz: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte; 3-88467-096-4 paperback. - Fragkiska Megaloudi. Plants and Diet in Greece from Neolithic to Classic Periods (British Archaeological Report International Series 1516). x+96 pages, 26 illustrations, 21 tables. 2006. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-949-8 paperback £28. - Douglass W. Bailey. Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic. xx+244 pages, 69 illustrations. 2005. Abingdon & New York: Routledge; 0-415-33151-X hardback; 0-415-33152-8 paperback £25.99. - Alain Gallay. Les sociétes mégalithiques: pouvoir des hommes, mémoire des morts (Le savoir Suisse 37). 140 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. 2006. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes; 978-2-88074-707-7 paperback SFr. 16 & €11.50 - Hermann Parzinger. Die Frühen Völker Eurasiens vom Neolithikum bis zum Mittelalter. 1045 pages, 266 b&w & colour illustrations, 28 plates, 3 fold-out tables in jacket. 2006. Munchen: Beck; 978-3-406-54961-8 hardback €98. - Lynne Bevan. Worshippers and Warriors: reconstructing gender relations in the prehistoric rockartof Naquane National Park, Valcamonica, Brescia, northern Italy (British Archaeological Reports International Series 1485). 2006. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-920-X paperback £34. - Tibor Kemenczei. Funde ostkarpatenländischen Typs im Karpatenbecken (Prahistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung XX, 10. Band). x+186 pages, 64 figures. 2005. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. - Evgenij V. Cernenko. Die Schutzwaffen der Skythen (Prahistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung III, 2. Band). xiv+158 pages, 55 illustrations. 2006. Suttgart: Franz Steiner.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 246
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B.A. Vincent. The excavation of Khok Phanom Di, a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume VI: The pottery, other ceramic materials and their cultural role. The material culture (Part II) (Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 70). xxxi+896 pages, 321 illustrations including 8 colour plates, 197 tables. 2003: London: Society of Antiquaries of London; 0-85431-280-3 hardback £ 125.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1107-1109
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Stephen Houston, David Stuart & Karl Taube. The Memory of Bones: Body, Being, and experience among the Classic Maya. viii+324 pages, 265 illustrations. Austin (TX): University of Texas Press; 0-292-71294-4 hardback £35.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 492-494
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Children - Mary E. Lewis The Bioarchaeology of Children: Perspectives from Biological and Forensic Anthropology. x+256 pages, 37 illustrations, 15 tables. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-521-83602-9 hardback £70 & $130. - Traci Ardren & Scott R. Hutson (ed.). The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica. xxii+310 pages, 73 illustrations, 11 tables. 2006. Boulder (CO): University Press of Colorado; 978-0-87081-827-1 hardback $45.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 818-819
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Mediterranen archaeology - OLIVER Dickinson. The Aegean from Bronze Age to Iron Age: Continuity and change between the twelfth and eighth centuries BC. xvi+298 pages, 57 illustrations, 2 tables. 2006. Abingdon: Routledge; 978-0-415-13589-4 hardback; 978-0-415-13590-0 paperback £16.99; 978-0-203-96836 e-book. - D. Evely (ed.). LefkandiIV. The Bronze Age: The Late Helladic IIIC Settlement at Xeropolis (British School at Athens Supplementary Volume 39). xviii+332 pages, 104 figures, 103 plates, CD-ROM. 2006. London: British School at Athens; 0-904887-51-0 hardback £98 + p&p. - CATIE Mihalopoulos. Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 29: Cypriote Antiquities in Collections in Southern California (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology XX, 29). 64 pages, 54 plates. 2006. Savedalen: Paul Astrom; 978-91-7081-220-0 paperback. - Peter Attema, Albert Nijboer & Andrea Zifferero (ed). Papers in Italian Archaeology VI. Communities and Settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval period (Proceedings of the 6th Conference ofItalian Archaeologyheldat the University ofGroningen, Groningen Institute ofArchaeology, The Netherlands, April 15-17, 2003) (British Archaeological Report International Series 1452 I & II). xx+1080 pages, numerous illustrations & tables. 2005. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-888-2 paperback £120 (both volumes). - Stephan Steingräber, translated by Russell Stockman. Abundance of Life: Etruscan Wall Painting from the Geometric period to the Hellenistic period (published in Italian as Pittura murale etrusca by Arsenale, Verona 2006). 328 pages, 250 colour illustrations. 2006, Los Angeles (CA): J. Paul Getty Museum; 978-0-89236-865-5 hardback £80. - John R. Patterson. Landscapes & Cities: Rural Settlement and Civic Transformations in Early Imperial Italy. xiv+348 pages, 17 illustrations. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-8140887 hardback £60. - Richard Hodges. Eternal Butrint: A UNESCO World heritage Site in Albania. xiv+256 pages, numerous b&w & colour illustrations. 2006. London: Butrint Foundation//General Penne; 978905680-01-6 hardback. - Arthur Evans. Ancient Illyria: An Archaeological Exploration (first published as Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum in Archaeologia 1885 & 1886; other paper in Numismatic Chronicle 1880 and introduction by John Wilkes in Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, London 1976). xxii+340 pages, 143 illustrations. 2006. London; I.B. Tauris/Centre for Albanian Studies; 978-84511-167-0 hardback £45. - Branko Kirigin, Nikša Vujnović, Slobodan Čače, Vincent Gaffney, Tomaž Podobnikar, Zoran Stančič & Josip Burmaz (ed. by Vincent Gaffney & Branco Kirigin). The AdriaticIslands Project Volume 3. The Archaeological Heritage of Vis, Biševo, Svetac, Palagruža and Štolta (British Archaeological Reports International Series 1492). iv+240 pages, 24 figures, 3 tables. 2006. Oxford: Archaeo-press; 1-84171-923-4 paperback £38. - Dominique Pieri. Le commerce du vin oriental ài l’époque Byzantine (Vè-VIIèsiècles): le temoignage des amphores en Gaule (Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 174). vi+350 pages, 199 illustrations, 9 tables. 2005. Beyrouth; Institut Francais du Proche-Orient; 2-912738-30-X paperback €40.
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Food - Katheryn C. Twiss (ed.). The Archaeology of Food and Identity (Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper 34). 2007. xii+340 pages, 67 figures, 16 tables. Carbondale (IL): Southern Illinois University Carbondale; 978-0-88104-091-6 paperback $42. - Christopher Mee & Josette Renard (ed). Cooking up the Past: Food and Culinary Practices in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Aegean. xii+380 pages, 103 illustrations, 20 tables. 2007. Oxford: Oxbow; 978-1-84217-227-8 paperback £35. - H.E.M. Cool Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain. xvi+282 pages, 30 illustrations, 43 tables. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-52180276-5 hardback £55 & $99; 978-0-521-00327-8 - Eugenia Salza Prina Ricotti, translated by Ruth Anne Lotero. Meals and recipes from Ancient Greece. vi+122 pages, illustrated. 2007 (first published in Italian in 2005 by l’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome). Los Angeles (CA): J. Paul Getty Museum; 978-089236-876-1 hardback £15.99. - David Peacock & David Williams (ed.). Food for the Gods: New Light on the Ancient Incense Trade. xiv+152 pages, 76 illustrations. 2007. Oxford: Oxbow; 978-1-84217-225-4 hardback £35. - Susan Stewart. Cosmetics & Perfumes in the Roman World. 160 pages, 43 illustrations. 2007. Stroud: Tempus; 978-0-7524-4098-9 paperback £16.99.
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Claus Feveile (ed.). Ribe Studier. Det Aeldste Ribe: Udgravninger på nordsiden af Ribe Å 1984-2000. 2 volumes, summaries in English (Jysk Arkeologisk Selskab skrifter 51). 762 pages, numerous b&w & colour illustrations, tables. 2006. Højberg: Jysk Arkeologisk Selskab; 87-88415-33-3 hardback Dkr. 500.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 494-495
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David Thomas Yates. Land, Power and Prestige: Bronze Age Field Systems in Southern England. xii+204 pages, 56 figures, 8 plates, 24 tables. 2007. Oxford: Oxbow; 978-1-84217-231-5 hardback £ 30.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1109-1110
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Companions - Nathan Rosenstein & Robert Morstein-Marx (ed.). A Companion to the Roman Republic. xviii+738 pages, 62 illustrations. 2006. Malden (MA), Oxford & Carlton, Victoria: Blackwell; 978-1-4051-0217-9 hardback £95, US$149.95 & AUS$281. - David S. Potter (ed.). A Companion to the Roman Empire. xxx+698 pages. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 0-631-22644-3 hardback £95 & US$149.95 AUS$314. - Ian Worthington (ed.). A Companion to Greek Rhetoric. xvi+618 pages. 2007. Malden (MA), Oxford & Carlton, Victoria: Blackwell; 978-1-4051-2551-2 hardback £85, US$149.95 & AUS$280.50. - William Dominik & Jon Hall (ed.). A Companion to Roman Rhetoric. xx+524 pages. 2007. Malden (MA), Oxford & Carlton, Victoria: Blackwell; 978-1-4051-2091-3 hardback £85, US$149.95 & AUS$280.50.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 821
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The Classical and Roman world - John Julius Norwich. The Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean. xviii+668 pages, 89 b&w & colour illustrations. 2006. London: Chatto & Windus; 9780-701-17608-2 hardback £25 & Can$45. - Jonathan M. Hall. A History of the Archaic Greek World ca. 1200- 479 BCE. xx+322 pages, 39 illustrations. 2007. Malden (MA) & Oxford: Blackwell; 978-0-631-22667-3 hardback £65 & $84.95; 978-0-631-22668-0 paperback £19.99 & $34.95. - Mogens Herman Hansen. Polis: An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State. viii+238 pages, 9 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 9780-19-920849-4 hardback£40 & 978-0-19-920850-0 paperback £14.99. - Carol G. Thomas. Alexander the Great in his World. xii+254 pages, 31 illustrations. 2007. Oxford & Malden (MA): Blackwell; 978-0631-232452 hardback £60 & $74.95; 978-0631-2324-69 paperback £19.99 & $29.95. - Donald G. Kyle. Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. xviii+404 pages, 24 illustrations, 3 tables. 2007. Oxford & Malden (MA): Blackwell; 978-06312297-04 hardback £60 & $81.95; 978-0631-229711 paperback £19.99 & $32.95. - Pliny The Younger, translated by P.G. Walsh. Complete Letters (Oxford World’s Classics). xliv+380 pages. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 9780-19-280658-1 paperback £9.99. - Maureen Carroll. Spirits of the Dead: Roman Funerary Commemoration in Western Europe (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents). xx+332 pages, 83 illustrations, 5 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-929107-6 hardback £70. - Stephen Mitchell. A History of the Later Roman Empire AD 284-641: The Transformation of the Ancient World. xvi+470 pages, 37 illustrations. 2007. Malden (MA), Oxford & Victoria: Blackwell; 9781405-1485-77 hardback £60, $84.95 & AUS$198; 978-1405-1085-60 paperback £19.99, $34.95 & AUS$54.95. - H.A. Drake (ed.). Violence in Late Antiquity: Perceptions and Practices. xxii+396 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. 2006. Aldershot: Ashgate; 978-0-7546-54988 hardback £55.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 247-248
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Kitty Hauser. Shadow Sites: Photography, Archaeology, & the British Landscape 1927-1955. xii+314 pages, 120 illustrations. 2007. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-920632-2 hardback £ 65.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1110-1111
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Making sense of archaeology - Cornelius Holtorf, illustrated by Quentin Drew. Archaeology is a brand!: the meaning of archaeology in contemporary popular culture. x+184 pages, numerous illustrations. 2007. Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-905739-06-6 paperback £14.99. - Nicholas J. Cooper (ed.). The Archaeology of the East Midlands: An Archaeological Resource Assessment and Research Agenda (Leicester Archaeology Monograph 13). xvi+378 pages, 72 b&w & colour illustrations, 8 tables. 2006. Leicester: University of Leicester; 0-9538914-7-X paperback £19.95. - John Hunter & Ian Ralston (ed.). Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: An Introduction. Second revised edition (first published 1993). xiv+402 pages, numerous illustrations. 2006. Stroud: Sutton; 978-0-7509-2789-5 hardback £25. - R.G. Matson & Timothy A. Kohler (ed.). Tracking Ancient Footsteps: William D. Lipe's Contribution to Southwestern Prehistory and Public Archaeology. xii+188 pages, 35 illustrations, 2 tables. 2006. Pullman (WA): Washington State University Press; 978-0-87422-290-6 paperback $22.95. - Jeffrey L. Hantman & Rachel Most (ed). Managing Archaeological Data: Essays in Honor of Sylvia W. Gaines (Arizona State University Anthropological Research Paper 57). x+202 pages, 37 illustrations, 42 tables. 2006. Tempe (AZ): Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University; 978-0-936249-18-6 paperback $33.50. - Michael D. Coe. Final report: An Archaeologist Excavates His Past. 224 pages, 6 figures, 35 plates. 2006. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-05143-7 hardback £18.95.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 496-498
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