Project Gallery
You can search for, and access, Project Gallery articles published before October 2016 on Antiquity Open.
Project Gallery
The seal matrix of Sir John Campbell and the struggle for Dunyvaig Castle on the Isle of Islay
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Iron production and trading in Lingnan during the Qin and Han Dynasties
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The Balchiria stelae
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A military garrison or cultural mixing pot? Renewed investigations at Shichengzi, a Han Dynasty settlement in Xinjiang
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A princely tomb in central Italy: a planned discovery
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Late Pleistocene estuaries, palaeoecology and humans on North America's Pacific Coast
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A mosaic floor from the Late Bronze Age building II of Uşaklı Höyük, central Turkey
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Desert kites in the Tripolitania region: new evidence from satellite imagery
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Nahal Yarmuth 38: a new and unique Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site in central Israel
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Open-data presentation of a geophysical survey in Gerasa (Jerash), Jordan
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Thirteen cave sites: settlement patterns in Sąspów Valley, Polish Jura
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Where strangers met: evidence for early commerce at LaSoye Point, Dominica
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