Crossbred gilts were offered rapeseed press cake (RSP) as follows: control (no RSP in diet during growth/ pregnancy/lactation), M-RSP (medium RSP levels: 100/50/100 g/kg RSP) and H-RSP (high RSP levels: 150/80/ 150 g/kg RSP). Plasma concentrations of free thyroxine (FT4), tri-iodothyronine (T3), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), progesterone (P4) and androstenedione (A4), weights of thyroid gland, ovaries and uterus, length of uterine horns, and number of corpora lutea (CL) were measured in gilts during the mid-luteal phase of their first oestrous cycle. Serum concentrations of FT4, T3, LH and PRL, weights of thyroids, ovaries, uteri, adrenals, kidneys, liver and spleen were measured in female piglets on 2nd and 28th day of lactation. RSP diets, affected thyroid weights, number of CL, uterine horn length, mean concentrations of plasma FT4, T3, PRL, and P4 in gilts. Changes of weights of ovaries in 2-day-old piglets and weights of uterus, adrenal gland and kidneys in 28-day-old piglets from RSP groups were observed.