Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 November 2017
It is not clear when the optimum time of harvesting the winter barley as whole crop for silage should be in terms of feeding value for dairy cows and yield of the crop. Little information is available using whole crop barley as a buffer feed. The aim of these experiments was to evaluate the feeding value of whole crop barley (WCB) silage harvested at three stages of growth as a supplementary feed for grazing dairy cows during the late season.
Winter barley (var. Pipkin) was harvested at 4 stages of growth : T1:250, T2:350, T3:450 and T4:550 gDM/kg, at the following dates : 25/5, 19/6, 3/7 and 11/7/1991, respectively. The chopped material from T1-T4 was stored in minisilos and from T1-T3 in larger silos for animal studies.