Multiwavelength images of normal, interacting, merging, starburst and active galaxies are presented. Galaxies are ordered by right ascension in each category sample as listed in Table 1 (page 18). The images come from a variety of sources – some single-wavelength images are presented in false color, whilst multiwavelength images are color coded.
A brief description of each galaxy including its major multiwavelength properties (literature references start on page 243) is given. The description is ordered via wavelength, usually starting with X-ray properties and ending with radio properties. However, papers that present multiwavelength properties have their findings summarized concurrently. Each galaxy description is provided to highlight some of the more recent and interesting scientific findings. The description is, however, not intended to be a comprehensive description of the galaxy. Readers interested in comprehensive literature searches on individual galaxies should use a nearby mirror site of the NASA Astrophysics Data System listed in, e.g.
or use the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED)
Technical information about the galaxy images – telescope/instrument, observer(s), λ/v/energy/filter, exposure, resolution and image source – is listed in Appendix C (page 224). For each image north is up and east is to the left unless otherwise indicated. Inclinations of galaxies are referred to in the sense that 0° is face-on and 90° is edge-on to our line of sight. The spatial scale of each galaxy image is not always the same although the field of view is listed when it is known.