At this point it is worth bringing together several things we have discovered about vibrating systems in earlier chapters.
(1) If a number of harmonic driving forces act simultaneously on a linear system, the resulting steady-state vibration ψ(t) is a superposition of harmonic vibrations whose frequencies are those of the driving forces: each harmonic force makes its own independent contribution to ψ(t). This is an example of the principle of superposition (section 5.2).
(2) The free vibration of a non-linear system is not harmonic, but something more complicated; we found it possible, however, to express an anharmonic vibration ψ(t) as a series of terms consisting of the fundamental vibration and a series of harmonics (sections 7.1 and 7.2).
(3) At small amplitudes, the application of a harmonic driving force to a non-linear system leads to a steady-state ψ(t) which contains the driving frequency and harmonics of that frequency (section 7.3).
(4) The standing waves that are possible on a non-dispersive string of finite length have frequencies in a sequence like v1, 2v1, 3v1,…; when a number of standing waves are excited simultaneously, the vibration ψ(t) of any given point on the string must therefore consist of a series of superposed harmonics.
It is clear from these examples alone that the harmonic type of vibration on which we have spent so much time has a fundamental significance as the building block for more complicated motions.