The Language of Propositional Modal Logic
We will begin our study of modal logic with a basic system called K in honor of the famous logician Saul Kripke. K serves as the foundation for a whole family of systems. Each member of the family results from strengthening K in some way. Each of these logics uses its own symbols for the expressions it governs. For example, modal (or alethic) logics use □ for necessity, tense logics use H for what has always been, and deontic logics use O for obligation. The rules of K characterize each of these symbols and many more. Instead of rewriting K rules for each of the distinct symbols of modal logic, it is better to present K using a generic operator. Since modal logics are the oldest and best known of those in the modal family, we will adopt □ for this purpose. So □ need not mean necessarily in what follows. It stands proxy for many different operators, with different meanings. In case the reading does not matter, you may simply call □A ‘box A’.
First we need to explain what a language for propositional modal logic is. The symbols of the language are ⊥, →, □; the propositional variables: p, q, r, p′, and so forth; and parentheses. The symbol ⊥ represents a contradiction, → represents ‘if . . then’, and □ is the modal operator. A sentence of propositional modal logic is defined as follows:
⊥ and any propositional variable is a sentence.
If A is a sentence, then □A is a sentence.
If A is a sentence and B is a sentence, then (A→B) is a sentence.
No other symbol string is a sentence.
In this book, we will use letters ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ for sentences. So A may be a propositional variable, p, or something more complex like (p→q), or ((p→ ⊥)→q). To avoid eyestrain, we usually drop the outermost set of parentheses. So we abbreviate (p→q) to p→q. (As an aside for those who are concerned about use-mention issues, here are the conventions of this book. We treat ‘⊥’, ‘→’, ‘□’, and so forth as used to refer to symbols with similar shapes. It is also understood that ‘□A’, for example, refers to the result of concatenating □ with the sentence A.)