This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of interference events in automotive scenarios based on radar systems equipped with communication-assisted chirp sequence (CaCS). First, it examines the impact of interference on radar and communication functionalities in CaCS systems according to the orientation of the investigated nodes. For this purpose, a graph-based approach is employed with MATLAB simulations to illustrate the potential occurrence of interference on the graph for communication functionality compared with their counterparts on radar. Second, the paper delves into the impact of interference on the synchronization between two communicating CaCS nodes. It extends a previous study to match the frequency of current radar sensors, where chirp estimation, an adjusted version of the Schmidl & Cox algorithm, and correlation are adopted to synchronize the transmitter and receiver of two CaCS communicating nodes in the time-frequency plane. The proposed synchronization method is finally verified by measurements at
${79}\,\mathrm{GHz}$ with a system-on-chip, where the resulting correlation metric and mean square error are illustrated as validation factors.