Field studies were conducted to determine response of ‘Atlantic’ and ‘Fontenot’ potato varieties and eight weed species to rimsulfuron and metribuzin. Rimsulfuron was applied at 9, 18, 27, 35 and 70 g ai/ha and metribuzin at 69, 140, 210, 280 and 560 g ai/ha. Each herbicide was applied PRE or POST alone or in 1:8 combinations of rimsulfuron to metribuzin. Yield of either variety was not reduced by any treatment. Rimsulfuron applied PRE or POST at the suggested field use rate of 35 g/ha controlled smooth pigweed, redroot pigweed, ivyleaf morningglory, and common cocklebur 100%, common lambsquarters 90%, and jimsonweed 60%. Large crabgrass and fall panicum were controlled 92% by rimsulfuron at 35 g/ha. Reduced rates of 9 g/ha rimsulfuron plus 69 g/ha metribuzin, applied PRE or POST, controlled all weeds 100% except jimsonweed, fall panicum, and large crabgrass. For complete control of these weeds, rimsulfuron at 35 g/ha plus metribuzin at 280 g/ha was required.