Scheiblechner (1995) proposes a probabilistic axiomatization of measurement called ISOP (isotonic ordinal probabilistic models) that replaces Rasch's (1980) specific objectivity assumptions with two interesting ordinal assumptions. Special cases of Scheiblechner's model include standard unidimensional factor analysis models in which the loadings are held constant, and the Rasch model for binary item responses. Closely related are the doubly-monotone item response models of Mokken (1971; see also Mokken & Lewis, 1982; Sijtsma, 1988; Molenaar, 1991; Sijtsma & Junker, 1996; and Sijtsma & Hemker, in press). More generally, strictly unidimensional latent variable models have been considered in some detail by Holland and Rosenbaum (1986), Ellis and van den Wollenberg (1993), and Junker (1990, 1993). The purpose of this note is to provide connections with current research in foundations and nonparametric latent variable and item response modeling that are missing from Scheiblechner's (1995) paper, and to point out important related work by Hemker, Sijtsma, Molenaar, & Junker (1996, 1997), Ellis and Junker (in press) and Junker and Ellis (1997). We also discuss counterexamples to three major theorems in the paper. By carrying out these three tasks, we hope to provide researchers interested in the foundations of measurement and item response modeling the opportunity to give the ISOP approach the careful attention it deserves.