In continuation of our ongoing revisionary studies on the lichen family Graphidaceae from India, a treatment of 25 species of the lichen genera Fissurina and Hemithecium from India is presented. In our earlier work on the lichen genus Fissurina, 16 species were reported from India. In the present study, 17 additional species of Fissurina from India are recognized. Nine species, viz. Fissurina andamanensis, F. disposita, F. immersa, F. indica, F. microcarpa, F. nicobarensis, F. simplex, F. sporolata, and F. submonospora, are described as new to science. Seven species, viz. Fissurina canlaonensis, F. cingalina, F. comparimuralis, F. monospora, F. nitidescens, F. rubiginosa, and F. subnitidula, are recorded for the first time from India. One species, Fissurina sp. 1, is recorded but not formally described as new due to scanty material. Eight species in the lichen genus Hemithecium, including three new species, viz. H. kodayarense, H. longilirellatum, H. verrucosum, and five new combinations, viz. Hemithecium andamanicum, H. flabillatum, H. flavoalbum, H. flexile, and H. norlabiatum, are also recognized in the present work. A revised key for the identification of all 33 species of Fissurina and 26 species of Hemithecium so far known from India is provided.