1. Introduction
For $f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ of degree n, let
$L_{1}(f)$ denote the sum of the absolute values of the coefficients of f(x). This is the L 1-norm on the
$(n+1)$-dimensional real vector space Un of real polynomials of degree
$\leqslant n$. Let
$V_{n}= U_{n}\cap \mathbb Z[x]$. Further, let
$I_{n}\subset V_{n}$ be the set of polynomials in Vn that are irreducible over the rationals. It is well-known that asymptotically, a
$100\%$ polynomials in Vn are irreducible over the rationals in the sense that

Thus, given $f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ of degree n, one can naturally expect to be able to find a polynomial
$g(x)\in I_{n}$, such that
$L_{1}(f-g)$ is ‘small’. Let C(n) denote the smallest positive integer such that for every
$f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ with
${\rm deg}\text{ } f=n$, there is an
$g(x)\in I_{n}$ such that
$L_{1}(f-g)\leqslant C(n)$. It is easy to see that Eisenstein’s criterion with p = 2 implies that C(n) exists and that
$C(n)\leqslant n+2$. Pál Turán proposed the problem of showing that C(n) is absolutely bounded. For each odd n > 1, the example
$f(x)=x^{n}$ shows that
$C(n)\geqslant 2$. Similarly, for every even n > 2, the polynomial
$x^{n-2}(x^{2}-x-1)$ suggests that
$C(n)\geqslant 2$. Filaseta [Reference Filaseta5] conjectured that
$C(n)\leqslant 5$ for all n. In the same paper, he alludes to the possibility that
$C(n)\leqslant 2$ cannot be ruled out.
Turán’s conjecture remains open for n > 40. Bérczes and Hajdu [Reference Bérczes and Hajdu1, Reference Bérczes and Hajdu2] have verified Turán’s conjecture with $C(n)\leqslant 4$, for all polynomials
$f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ with
${\rm deg}\text{ } f \leqslant 24$. Filaseta and Mossinghoff [Reference Filaseta and Mossinghoff6] have extended their results to all
$f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ with
${\rm deg}\text{ } f \leqslant 40$ and with
$C(n)\leqslant 5$.
Turán’s conjecture is believed to be difficult. For instance, whether it is possible to do better than $C(n)\leqslant n+2$ is unknown. The present paper is a byproduct of our attempts to improve this bound. Although we fell short in this pursuit, our approach considerably improved the corresponding bound in the squarefree analogue of Turán’s conjecture. We discuss them next.
We begin with our initial idea to improve the bound on C(n). For $f(x)\in 2[x]$, let L(f) denote the number of terms of f(x). Now, consider Turán’s problem in
$2[x]$, where the distance between f(x) and g(x) is now taken to be
$L(f-g)$. Let
$C_{2}(n)$ denote the counterpart for C(n) in this case. We claim that
$C(n)\leqslant C_{2}(n)+1$ provided that
${\rm deg}\text{ } g ={\rm deg}\text{ } f=n$. To see this, for an
$f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f =n$, let
$\delta\in \{0,1\}$ be such that
$f_{\delta}(x)=\delta x^{n}+f(x)$ has an odd leading coefficient. Let
$\overline{f_{\delta}}(x)\in \mathbb F_{2}[x]$ denote the polynomial obtained by reducing the coefficients of
$f_{\delta}(x)$ modulo 2. Observe that
${\rm \deg}\text{ } \overline{f_{\delta}} =n$. Now, suppose that there is an
$g(x)\in \mathbb F_{2}[x]$, irreducible in
$\mathbb F_{2}[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g = n$, such that
$L(\overline{f_{\delta}}-g)\leqslant C_{2}(n)$. Consider the polynomial

where, by abuse of notation, we now consider $\overline{f_{\delta}}(x)$,
$\overline{f}(x)$ and g(x) as polynomials in
$\mathbb Z[x]$. If a denotes the leading coefficient of f(x), then the leading coefficient of
$g_{\delta}(x)$ is

In particular, $g_{\delta}(x)$ has degree n. Additionally,
$g_{\delta}(x)\equiv g(x)\pmod{2}$ implies that
$g_{\delta}(x)$ is irreducible over the rationals. Furthermore,

The assertion follows.
In view of the last observation above, it suffices to bound $C_{2}(n)$. For
$n\geqslant 1$, let
$C'_{2}(n)$ denote the smallest positive integer such that given f(x) and g(x) in
$2[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f = n$, there is a polynomial
$g_{1}(x)\in 2[x]$ with

such that $\gcd(f(x), g_{1}(x))=1$. The better part of the paper is devoted to developing a method to establishing that
$C'_{2}(n)\ll \log n$.
Now, suppose for the moment that we have achieved $C'_{2}(n) \leqslant \theta \log n$ for some θ > 0. Let
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g=m\geqslant 1$, and set
$\ell =\lfloor m/2\rfloor$. Take f(x) to be the product of all irreducible polynomials of degree
$\leqslant \ell$ in
$2[x]$. By Lemma 3.2, [Reference Filaseta and Moy7], we have
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f \leqslant 2^{\ell+1}$. The hypothesis on
$C'_{2}(n)$ would then imply that there is a polynomial
$g_{1}(x)\in 2[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g_{1}\leqslant {\rm \deg}\text{ } g$ and satisfies

such that $\gcd(f(x), g_{1}(x))=1$. The last condition implies that
$g_{1}(x)$ has no irreducible factor of degree
$\leqslant {\rm \deg}\text{ } g/2$. Since
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g_{1}\leqslant {\rm \deg}\text{ } g$, it would then follow that
$g_{1}(x)$ is irreducible in
$ 2[x]$. A suitably small θ would then give a better bound on C(m) than m + 2. In fact, any
$\theta \lt 2/\log 2 = 2.885\ldots$ would give the first non-trivial improvement on C(m). Our main result establishes that
$C'_{2}(n)\ll \log n$.
Theorem 1. Let f(x) and g(x) be polynomials in $ 2[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f=n$. For
$n\gg 1$, there is a polynomial
$g_{1}(x)\in \mathbb F_{2}[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g_{1}\leqslant \max\{{\rm \deg}\text{ } g, 6.7\log n\}$ and
$L(g-g_{1}) \lt 6.7\log n$ such that
$\gcd(f(x), g_{1}(x))=1$.
Next, we discuss the squarefree analogue of Turán’s conjecture. We refer to a polynomial $f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ as squarefree if it has no multiple roots. For a positive integer n, let Sn denote the set of squarefree polynomials in Vn. Since
$I_{n}\subset S_{n}$, it follows that the asymptotic density of squarefree polynomials in Vn is 1. Naturally, one is prompted to investigate the squarefree analogue Turán’s problem. Dubickas and Sha [Reference Dubickas and Sha4] were the first to study this problem. For a positive integer n, let D(n) denote the smallest positive integer such that given any
$f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f =n$, there is an
$g(x)\in S_{n}$ with
$L_{1}(f-g)\leqslant D(n)$. It is easily seen that
$D(n)\leqslant C(n)$. Dubickas and Sha [Reference Dubickas and Sha4] conjecture that
$D(n)\leqslant 2$. They further showed that
$D(n)\geqslant 2$ for every
$n\geqslant 15$ (in fact, their result is much more explicit). Thus, the conjectured value is
$D(n)=2$. In some contrast to
$C(n)\leqslant n+2$, Filaseta and Moy [Reference Filaseta and Moy7] have obtained the bound

for $n\gg_{\operatorname{\varepsilon}}1$. As a simple application of Theorem 1, we will establish that
$D(n)\ll \log n$.
Theorem 2. For every $f(x)\in \mathbb F_{2}[x]$ of degree
$n\gg 1$, there is a squarefree
$g(x)\in 2[x]$ satisfying
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g = n$ and
$L(f-g)\leqslant 6.7\log n$.
Arguing as we did to establish that $C(n)\leqslant C_{2}(n)+1$ above (in the case that
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g = n$), we obtain the following.
Corollary 1. For every $f(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ of degree
$n\gg 1$, there is a squarefree
$g(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ satisfying
${\rm \deg}\text{ } g = n$ and
$L_{1}(f-g)\leqslant 1+ 6.7\log n \lt 6.8 \log n$.
The proof of Theorem 1 is based on a function field analogue of Brun–Hooley sieve (see Theorem 3, § 2). Although this is identical to the usual Brun–Hooley sieve in almost every aspect needing only minor adjustments, there is no evidence of a suitable reference in the existing literature. This prompted the authors to establish a function field analogue of the Brun–Hooley sieve in its full rigour. This is presented in § 2. For an exhaustive account of the usual Brun–Hooley sieve, the reader may refer to Halberstam–Richert [Reference Halberstam and Richert9] or Bateman–Diamond [Reference Batemann and Diamond3]. Apart from these references, the authors have found the nice exposition by Kevin Ford [Reference Ford8] particularly useful. For general arithmetic in function fields, we refer the reader to Rosen [Reference Rosen10].
We clarify some of the basic notation to be followed in the remainder of the paper. Throughout, $\operatorname{\bf{A}}$ denotes the ring
$ 2[x]$. The set of non-zero elements of
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$ will be denoted by
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$. Typically, in our proofs, we will use uppercase letters A, D, F and G to denote the elements of
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$ where
$D\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, generally, will denote a divisor of some element in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$. The letter P is reserved for a non-zero prime (irreducible) in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$. Following [Reference Rosen10], we define the norm
$\lvert A\rvert$ of
$A\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ as

As it turns out, $\lvert A \rvert$ is the correct analogue for the size of an integer in
$\mathbb Z$. Sometimes, for A and
$A'$ in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$, we will use
$(A,A')$ to denote
$\gcd(A,A')$. The function
$\nu(A)$ will denote the number of distinct prime factors of
$A\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ with
$\nu(1)=0$. For a squarefree
$A\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, the Möbius function
$\mu(A)=(-1)^{\nu(A)}$. Otherwise,
$\mu(A)=0$. For a real number x > 0, we will denote by
$\log_{2} x$ the base-2 logarithm of x, and
$\log x$ denotes the natural logarithm of x.
The paper is organized as follows. We develop the necessary technical details, namely the Brun–Hooley sieve for $\operatorname{\bf{A}}$, in § 2. Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are respectively proved in § 3 and § 4.
2. Brun–Hooley sieve for
$\mathbb F_{2}[x]$
Let $\mathcal A\subset \operatorname{\bf{A}}$ with
$\#\mathcal A = X$. Let z be a real number satisfying
$2\leqslant z\leqslant X$. Let

and define

We fix a total order $\prec$ on
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$. For instance, for F and G in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$, we say that
$F\prec G$ if
$F(2) \lt G(2)$ when F(x) and G(x) are considered as polynomials in
$\mathbb R[x]$. Observe that F and G, when considered as polynomials in
$\mathbb R[x]$, have coefficients in
$\{0,1\}$, so that

as polynomials in $\mathbb R[x]$. Hence, if F ≠ G in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$, then exactly one of
$F\prec G$ and
$G\prec F$ holds. It is easy to see that
$\prec$ thus defined is a total order in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$. In particular, every squarefree A ≠ 1 can be uniquely expressed as the product

where P 1, P 2, $\ldots$, Pr are primes in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ satisfying

Additionally, for A as above, define $p^{-}(A)=P_{1}$ and
$p^{+}(A)=P_{r}$. We also set
For each $D\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, let

with the understanding that $\mathcal A_{1}=\mathcal A$. We suppose that there is a real-valued function ω satisfying

for every prime $P\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$. Next, extend ω multiplicatively to all of
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ by defining

For a $D\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, we denote by rD the quantity

We assume that

Further, define

and let

Our main result in this section is the following.
Theorem 3. (Brun–Hooley sieve for $ 2[x]$) Let
$\mathcal A$, X, z, W and
$S(\mathcal A;z)$ be as defined above. Let ω be a multiplicative function on
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ satisfying (Ω) and (r). Then for
$z\gg 1$, one has
$S(\mathcal A;z) \geqslant 0.0001XW - z^{4.6385}$ and
$S(\mathcal A;z) \leqslant eXW + z^{3.6385}$.
The proof of the next lemma is identical to its integer counterpart.
Lemma 1. For every $A\in A^{\ast}$, one has

Lemma 2. Let $\mathfrak f$ be a real-valued multiplicative function defined on
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, and let
$A\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ be squarefree. Then for every integer
$k\geqslant 0$, one has

where an empty product is equal to 1.
Proof. Consider the terms in the sum on the right corresponding to D with $\nu(D)\geqslant k+1$. Every such D can be uniquely expressed as

where $\nu(D_{1})=k+1$, and D 2 is either 1 or
$p^{+}(D_{2})\prec p^{-}(D_{1})$. It follows that

The lemma follows.
Corollary 2. Let $\mathfrak f$ be a multiplicative function defined on
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ satisfying
$0\leqslant \mathfrak f(P)\leqslant 1$ for every prime P, and let
$A\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ be squarefree. Then for every even integer
$k\geqslant 0$, one has

Let $z\geqslant 2$ be as defined earlier, and let
$2=z_{t+1} \lt z_{t} \lt \cdots \lt z_{1}=z$. Partition
$\mathscr P=\mathscr P_{1} \cup \mathscr P_{2}\cup \cdots \cup \mathscr P_{t}$ such that if
$P\in \mathscr P_{j}$, then
$z_{j+1} \lt \lvert P\rvert \leqslant z_{j}$ if j < t and
$z_{t+1}\leqslant \lvert P\rvert\leqslant z_{t}$ if j = t. Set

so that

In proving Theorem 1, we will need both upper and lower bounds on $S(\mathcal A;z)$. As is usually the case, achieving a lower bound is relatively more difficult. We next embark on this pursuit. To this end, we begin with Hooley’s lemma (for proof, see Lemma 12.6, [Reference Batemann and Diamond3]), which is the key step in the usual Brun–Hooley lower bound sieve.
Lemma 3. Suppose that $0\leqslant x_{j}\leqslant y_{j}$ for
$1\leqslant j \leqslant t$. Then one has

Let k 1, k 2, $\ldots$, kt be a sequence of even non-negative integers. For each
$j\in \{1,2,\ldots, t\}$ and
$A\in \mathcal A$, set

Setting $\mathfrak f\equiv 1$ and
$A=(A, \Pi_{j})$ in Corollary 2, we find that
$x_{j}\leqslant y_{j}$ for every j. Furthermore, since kj is even, setting
$\mathfrak f\equiv 1$ in Corollary 2 again, we get

Thus, by Lemma 3, we have

Now, using Lemma 1 and the last lower bound above, we obtain

Setting above

we get



By assumptions (Ω) and (r), we have $\lvert r_{D}\rvert \leqslant \omega(D)\leqslant 1$. Therefore,

The above sum is over all D 1, D 2, $\ldots$, Dt satisfying
$D_{j}\mid \Pi_{j}$, and either
$\nu(D_{j})\leqslant k_{j}$ for all j, or
$\nu(D_{j})\leqslant k_{j}$ for all but one j for which
$\nu(D_{j})=k_{j}+1$. This is bounded by


Next, for each $j\in \{1,2,\ldots, t\}$, define



From Equations (2.4), (2.6) and (2.7), we have

By Corollary 2,

so that

Next, in order to estimate the expression following the negative sign in Equation (2.8), we will make use of the following lemma.
Lemma 4. We have


Proof. Let $\mathscr P_{\ell}=\{P_{1}, P_{2}, \ldots, P_{T}\}$ with

For $D\mid \Pi_{\ell}$, set
$\mathfrak f(D)=\omega(D)/\lvert D\rvert$. Thus,
$0\leqslant \mathfrak f(D) \lt 1$. By the multinomial theorem, we have

On the other hand, since $0\leqslant \mathfrak f(P) \lt 1$, we have

This finishes the proof of the lemma.
Now, by the estimate of Lemma 4, we have

Recalling that $U_{\ell}\geqslant W_{\ell}$, we get

Observe that if $k_{\ell}=0$ for some
$\ell$, then
$U_{\ell}=1$. Accordingly, in this case, the expression on the left side of the last display is then bounded by

From these estimates, we deduce from Equation (2.8) that


As such,

where Z is as defined in Equation (2.5). Next, we obtain an upper bound on $S(\mathcal A;z)$. In this case, from Corollary 2, we have

Accordingly, we have, using Lemma 1, that



Working as before,

Appealing again to Corollary 2, we have

Proceeding as in the proof of Lemma 4, we get


However, if $k_{j}=0$ for some j, then the left side of the last display is equal to 1, and consequently, it is bounded by
$W_{j}(1+I_{j})$ since
$W_{j}\geqslant 1$. Thus,

where E and $\psi(j)$ are as defined by Equations (2.9) and (2.10), respectively. In conclusion,

where Z is as defined in Equation (2.5).
Next, we choose the parameters z 2, z 3, $\ldots$, zt and k 1, k 2,
$\ldots$, kt optimally to obtain explicit upper and lower bounds on
$S(\mathcal A;z)$ suitable for our purposes. Set c = 0.26249. For each
$j\in \{1,2,\ldots, t\}$, set

and $z_{j}=z^{1/\alpha_{j}}$. Let t be the maximal positive integer such that

That is,

where, for a real number x, we denote by $\lceil{x}\rceil$, the integer m satisfying
$m-1 \lt x \leqslant m$. Next, set
$k_{j}=2(j-1)$. In order to make the bounds (2.11) and (2.12) explicit, we need to find suitable upper bounds on E and Z. To this end, we begin by estimating
Lemma 5. We have

Proof. Since $\lvert P\rvert \geqslant 2$ for every
$P\in \mathscr P_{\ell}$, we have

The lemma follows after recalling the definition of $I_{\ell}$.
For an integer $d\geqslant 1$, recall that Md, the number of irreducible polynomials in
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}$ of degree d, satisfies
$M_{d}\leqslant 2^{d}/d$. Since
$z_{\ell+1}\geqslant 2$, it follows from Lemma 5 that for every
$\ell \lt t$,

We estimate the second sum above as follows. For $x\in (0,1/2]$, one has


since $z_{\ell+1}\geqslant 2$. It follows that

Working similarly, for $\ell=t$, we obtain from Lemma 5 that

Next, recall that

so that

Using the last estimate, we deduce that

for $t\gg 1$. Thus, for
$z\gg 1$ (so that
$t\gg 1$), the contribution of
$\ell=t$ in the sum for E in Equation (2.9) is bounded by

where, we have used that $(2t-1)^{2t-1}/(2t-1)! \lt e^{2t-1}$.
We will next estimate E by separately considering the contributions from terms corresponding to $\ell \lt t$ for which
$\alpha_{\ell+1}\leqslant \sqrt{\log z}$ and
$\alpha_{\ell+1} \gt \sqrt{\log z}$. First, consider the case that
$\alpha_{\ell+1}\leqslant \sqrt{\log z}$. In this case,

Thus, from Equation (2.13) and the above, we get that

Additionally, $\alpha_{\ell+1}\leqslant \sqrt{\log z}$ implies that
$c\ell^{2}\leqslant (\log\log z)/2$. That is,

Let ψ be as defined in Equation (2.10). Note that $\psi(1)=1$. For
$1 \lt \ell\leqslant 1.5\sqrt{\log\log z}$ and for
$z\gg 1$, using the estimates for
$I_{\ell}$ from Equation (2.13), we have

where, to obtain the bound in the second line above, we have used the binomial theorem as follows:

Thus, the contribution to the sum E from the terms corresponding to $\alpha_{\ell+1}\leqslant \sqrt{\log z}$ is bounded above by

Next, consider the case that $\alpha_{\ell+1} \gt \sqrt{\log z}$. In this case,
$\ell \gt \sqrt{\log\log z}$. Since
$z_{\ell+1}\geqslant 2$, for
$\sqrt{\log\log z} \lt \ell \lt t$, we have from Equation (2.13) that

since $z_{\ell+1}\geqslant 2$. Thus, for
$\ell$ as above and z sufficiently large, we have

Thus, the contribution to the sum E from the terms corresponding to the $\ell$ under consideration is less than

From the last estimate above and Equation (2.15), we deduce that

for $z\gg 1$.
It remains to estimate

The exponent of z above is bounded by

We now obtain (i) and (ii) of Theorem 3 by putting the estimates E < 0.9999 and $Z \lt z^{4.6385}$ (for
$z\gg 1$) in Equations (2.11) and (2.12), respectively.
3. A proof of Theorem 1
Let f(x) and g(x) be as stated in Theorem 1 with ${\rm \deg}\text{ } f=n$. Let
$t:=\lfloor 4.64\log_{2} n\rfloor$, and set
$X:=2^{t}$. Observe that
$t\leqslant 4.64\log_{2} n \lt 6.7\log n$. For future reference, we make a note of the fact that


Thus, $\#\mathcal A=X$. We will establish that for
$n\gg 1$, there is some
$g_{1}\in \mathcal A$ satisfying
$\gcd(f,g_{1})=1$. If
$g_{1}=g+u$, then


as is required to be shown.
Let $P\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ be irreducible. If
$P\mid f$, and
${\rm \deg}\text{ } P \gt t$, then P divides at most one polynomial in
$\mathcal A$. Thus, at most n polynomials in
$\mathcal A$ have a common prime factor of degree greater than t with f.
For every irreducible $P\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } P\leqslant t$, we define
$\omega(P)=1$ if P divides some element of
$\mathcal A$, and
$\omega(P)=0$, otherwise. We extend ω multiplicatively to all of
$\operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$ by defining

For $D\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, let

Observe that if ${\rm \deg}\text{ } D\leqslant t$, then
$\omega(D)=1$ implies that

If ${\rm \deg}\text{ } D \gt t$ and
$\omega(D)=1$, then
$\#\mathcal A_{D}=1$; while,
$\omega(D)=0$ implies
$\#\mathcal A_{D}=0$. Define

Then $r_{D}=0$ if either
${\rm \deg}\text{ } D\leqslant t$ or
$\omega(D)=0$. If
${\rm \deg}\text{ } D \gt t$ and
$\omega(D)=1$, then

Thus, in any case, $0\leqslant r_{D}\leqslant \omega(D)$. In particular,
$\omega(D)$ and rD satisfy (Ω) and (r). Let


Note that ${\rm \deg}\text{ } \Pi_{f}\leqslant {\rm \deg}\text{ } f$, and if
$A\in \mathcal A$, then
$(f,A)=1$ if and only if
$(A,\Pi_{f})=1$. So, without loss of any generality, we may and do assume that
$f=\Pi_{f}$. Specifically,
$\omega(P)=1$ for every
$P\mid f$.
Next, set $z=X^{\frac{1}{4.64}}$ in Theorem 3. We have

Let $\mathscr P$, Π and W have the same meaning as implied in Equations (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3), respectively. Then the conclusion (i) of Theorem 3 implies that

for $n\gg 1$. Let
$\mathcal A'$ denote the set
$\{A\in \mathcal A: (A, \Pi)=1\}$. Thus, the norm of each irreducible factor of every polynomial in
$\mathcal A'$ is
$\geqslant X^{\frac{1}{4.64}}$, and
$\# \mathcal A'= S(\mathcal A; X^{\frac{1}{4.64}})$.
If $A\in \mathcal A'$ has a common prime factor P with f, then

Let S 1 denote the number of elements in $\mathcal A'$ that have a common prime factor of degree
$\geqslant \frac{2\log_{2} X}{4.64}$ with f, and S 2 the same for prime factors having degrees in
$\left[\frac{\log_{2} X}{4.64}, \frac{2\log_{2} X}{4.64}\right)$. If nd denotes the number of distinct irreducible factors of f of degree d, then

for $n\gg 1$.
We now turn to estimating S 2. We begin by observing that

so that if ${\rm \deg}\text{ } P \lt \frac{2\log_{2} X}{4.64}$, then

We will apply Theorem 3, (ii) to the sets $\mathcal A_{P}$ where P is a prime factor of f with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } P$ in
$\left[\frac{\log_{2} X}{4.64}, \frac{2\log_{2} X}{4.64}\right)$. In what follows, we assume that
$P\mid f$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } P\in \left[\frac{\log_{2} X}{4.64}, \frac{2\log_{2} X}{4.64}\right)$. Observe that for every P under consideration, we have
$\omega(P)=1$ so that

Let $\omega(D)$ be as defined earlier in this section. For
$D\in \operatorname{\bf{A}}^{\ast}$, define

If $P\mid D$, then
$\omega(DP)=\omega(D)$ whence,
$r'_{D}=r(DP)$. Next, consider that
$P\nmid D$. If
$\omega(D)=1$, then since
$\omega(P)=1$, we have

Conversely, if $\omega(DP)=1$, then obviously
$\omega(D)=1$. It follows that
$\omega(DP)=\omega(D)$, and as such,


Thus, $\mathcal A_{P}$ and ω satisfy all the assumptions of Theorem 3. By Theorem 3 (ii), we now have for
$n\gg 1$ that

Since $\lvert P\rvert \gt 2^{\frac{\log_{2} X}{4.64}}$, hence


since $n \leqslant 2X^{\frac{1}{4.64}}$. Now, from Equations (3.2) and (3.4), we have

If every polynomial in $\mathcal A'$ has a non-trivial gcd with f, then

Substituting from Equations (3.1) and (3.5) in the last estimate above, we get

Rearranging terms, we have

Observe that

Now, if Md denotes the number of irreducible polynomials in $\operatorname{\bf{A}}$ of degree d, then

Using an earlier estimate that $M_{d}\leqslant 2^{d}/d$, we get



Upon exponentiating, we get

Now, using the above estimate in Equation (3.6), we obtain

The last inequality is impossible for $n\gg 1$ (whence
$X\gg 1$). Therefore, for
$n\gg 1$, there is an
$g_{1}=g+u$ in
$\mathcal A$ such that
$\gcd(f,g_{1})=1$, as asserted. This concludes the proof of Theorem 1.
4. A proof of Theorem 2
Let $f(x)\in \mathbb{F}_{2}[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f = n$. There are unique polynomials
$f_{e}(x)$ and
$f_{o}(x)$ in
$ 2[x]$ such that f(x) can be expressed as

Let $m:=\max\{{\rm \deg}\text{ } f_{e}, {\rm \deg}\text{ } f_{o}\}=\lfloor n/2\rfloor$. The proof of Theorem 2 rests upon the following result (Lemma 5.1) from [Reference Dubickas and Sha4] (also see Lemma 3.1, [Reference Filaseta and Moy7]).
Lemma 6. Let $h(x)\in \mathbb{F}_{2}[x]$ be of degree at least 2. Then h(x) is squarefree if and only if
$\gcd(h_{e}(x), h_{o}(x))=1$.
Let $u(x)\in \{f_{e}(x), f_{o}(x)\}$ be defined as

Thus, ${\rm \deg}\text{ } u =m$. Let
$v(x)\in \{f_{e}(x), f_{o}(x)\}$ denote the other polynomial. By Theorem 1, for
$n\gg 1$, there is an
$v_{1}(x)\in \mathbb{F}_{2}[x]$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } v_{1}\leqslant \max\{{\rm \deg}\text{ } v, 6.7\log n\}$ and
$L(v-v_{1}) \lt 6.7\log m$ such that
$\gcd(u(x), v_{1}(x))=1$. In particular,
${\rm \deg}\text{ } v_{1}\leqslant {\rm \deg}\text{ } v \leqslant {\rm \deg}\text{ } u =m$. Set

Then g(x) is squarefree by Lemma 6. Furthermore,

as required. We conclude by clarifying that ${\rm \deg}\text{ } g ={\rm \deg}\text{ } f$. Assuming
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f = 2m$ is even, we have
$u(x)=f_{e}(x)$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f_{e}=m$. Furthermore,
${\rm \deg}\text{ } v \lt m$ in this case. Consequently
${\rm \deg}\text{ } v_{1} \lt m$ (for
$n\gg 1$). It follows that

Similarly, if ${\rm \deg}\text{ } f$ is odd, say,
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f =2m +1$, then
$u(x)=f_{o}(x)$ with
${\rm \deg}\text{ } f_{o}=m$. Then,

The authors express their sincere gratitude to the referee for identifying several critical errors. The referee’s suggestions have greatly contributed to enhancing the quality of our presentation.
The first author’s research was partially supported by MATRICS grant no. MTR/2021/000015 of SERB, India.
Competing interests
The authors declare none.