Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Auerbach, Jeremy
Kanarek, Andrew R
Burghardt, Gordon M
To play or not to play? That’s a resource abundance question.
Adaptive Behavior,
Vol. 23,
Issue. 6,
O’Meara, Brian C
Graham, Kerrie Lewis
Pellis, Sergio M
Burghardt, Gordon M
Evolutionary models for the retention of adult–adult social play in primates: The roles of diet and other factors associated with resource acquisition.
Adaptive Behavior,
Vol. 23,
Issue. 6,
Burghardt, Gordon M.
What is the state of play?.
International Journal of Play,
Vol. 5,
Issue. 2,
Van Lange, Paul A. M.
Rinderu, Maria I.
Bushman, Brad J.
Aggression and violence around the world: A model of CLimate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans (CLASH).
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
Vol. 40,
Issue. ,
Smaldino, Paul E
Palagi, Elisabetta
Burghardt, Gordon M
Pellis, Sergio M
Quinn, John
The evolution of two types of play.
Behavioral Ecology,
Vol. 30,
Issue. 5,
Target article
Climato-economic habitats support patterns of human needs, stresses, and freedoms
Related commentaries (24)
Cold climates demand more intertemporal self-control than warm climates1
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Cultural adaptation to environmental change versus stability
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Extending climato-economic theory: When, how, and why it explains differences in nations' creativity
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Improving climato-economic theorizing at the individual level
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Is there a role for “climatotherapy” in the sustainable development of mental health?
Methodological suggestions for climato-economic theory
Personality traits, national character stereotypes, and climate–economic conditions
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Shared adaptiveness is not group adaptation
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The need for psychological needs: A role for social capital
Toward an integrated, causal, and psychological model of climato-economics
Unsurprising, in a good way
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Author response
White, gray, and black domains of cultural adaptations to climato-economic conditions