Book Review
F.W. Carter, Trade and Urban Development in Poland. An Economic Geography of Cracow, from its Origins to 1795. Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography 20. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xxii + 509pp. 83 figures. 67 tables. Select bibliography. £60.00, US$84.95.
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- 06 July 2011, pp. 402-403
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Malcolm Atkin, Norwich: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1993. vi + 122pp. Illustrated. £7.99. - John Chandler, Swindon: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1992.122pp. Illustrated. £7.99. - David Fine, Sheffield: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1992. vi + 121pp. Illustrated. £7.99. - David McGrory, Coventry: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1993. 124pp. Illustrated. £7.99.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 February 2009, pp. 278-279
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Marian Biskup (ed.), Historia Torunia (The History of the City of Toruń). Vol. II, part I, U schylku średniowiecza i w poczạtkach odrodzenia 1454-1548 (At the End of the Middle Ages and the Beginning of the Renaissance). Toruń: 1992260pp. 1 map. 47 illustrations. Vol. II, part II, W czasach renesansu, reformacji i wczesnego baroku 1548-1660 (In the Times of Renaissance, Reformation and Early Baroque 1548-1660), elab. by Stefan Cackowski, Boguslaw Dyhaś, Kazimierz Maliszewski, Zbigniew Naworski, Stanislaw Salmonowicz. Toruń: 1994. 319pp. 1 map, 102 illustrations. No price given.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 July 2011, pp. 404-405
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Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, Salisbury Cathedral: Perspectives on the Architectural History. London: HMSO, 1993. x + 104pp. Colour frontispiece. 60 plates. 28 figures. Plan in end-pocket. Bibliography. £12.95. - Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, Salisbury: The Houses of the Close. London: HMSO, 1993. xv + 263pp. Colour frontispiece. 191 plates. 170 figures, including 3 in end-pocket. Bibliography. £19.95.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 279-280
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S.H. Rigby, Medieval Grimsby. Growth and Decline, Hull Monographs in Regional and Local History, No. 3. Hull: University of Hull Press, 1993. 224pp. £8.95.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 147-148
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David Marcombe, English Small Town Life: Retford 1520-1642, Nottingham: Department of Adult Education, Nottingham University, 1993. xii + 320pp. 54 illustrations. 2 maps. 9 tables. 9 graphs. 54 illustrations. Bibliography. £18.95 hbk, £8.95 pbk.
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- 06 July 2011, pp. 405-406
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B.M.S. Campbell, J.A. Galloway, D. Keene and M. Murphy, A Medieval Capital and its Grain Supply: Agrarian Production and Distribution in the London Region c. 1300, Historical Geography Research Series, XXX. London: Queen's University of Belfast and the Centre for Metropolitan Research, 1993. x + 233pp. 29 figures. 19 tables. Bibliography. £7.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 February 2009, pp. 148-149
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Henry Summerson, Medieval Carlisle: The City and the Borders from the Late Eleventh to the Mid-Sixteenth Century. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, Extra Series, XXV, 1993. xxiii + 817pp. 24 figures. 19 plates. Bibliography. £48.00.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 281-282
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D. Cromarty and R. Cromarty (eds), The Wealth of Shrewsbury in the Early Fourteenth Century: Six Local Subsidy Rolls, 1297 to 1322: Text and Commentary. Shrewsbury: Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 1993. 125pp. 15 figures. No price given.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 282-283
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John Chandler (ed.), John Leland's Itinerary. Travels in Tudor England. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1993. xxxvi + 601pp. 39 maps. 250 illustrations. Bibliography. £25.00.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 150-151
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R.G. Lang (ed.), Two Tudor Subsidy Assessment Rolls for the City of London. London: London Record Society, 1993. lxxvii + 425pp. £12.00 to members, £20.00 to non-members.
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- 06 July 2011, pp. 406-407
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Elisabeth A. Lewis (ed.), The Southampton Port and Brokage Books 1448–9. Southampton Record Series XXXVI. Southampton: The University Press, 1993. xliv + 276pp. 2 figures. Glossary. Bibliography. £14.00.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 283-285
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Brian Henry, Dublin Hanged. Crime, Law Enforcement, and Punishment in Late Eighteenth-Century Dublin. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1994. 222pp. 4 tables. 2 illustrations. Bibliography. £19.95.
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- 06 July 2011, pp. 407-409
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Bernd Roeck, Eine Stadt in Krieg und Frieden: Studien zur Geschichte der Reichsstadt Ausburg zwischen Kalendarstreit und Parität. Schriftrenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 37. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989. 2 vols. 1,128pp. 22 plates. 19 maps. 57 figures. 154 tables. Bibliography. DM 278.00. - Heinz Schilling, Religion, Political Culture and the Emergence of Early Modern Society: Essays in German and Dutch History. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, 50. Leiden, New York and Cologne: E.J. Brill, 1992. xvi + 434pp. £67.85. $109.00.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 February 2009, pp. 151-154
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Phyllis Lambert and Alan Stewart (eds), Opening the Gates of Eighteenth-Century Montreal. Montreal: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1992. 93pp. 20 plates and figures. No price stated.
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- 09 February 2009, pp. 154-155
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David S. Chambers, Cecil H. Clough and Michael E. Mallett (eds), War, Culture and Society in Renaissance Venice. Essays in Honour of John Hale. London and Rio Grande: Hambledon Press, 1993. xxviii + 248pp. 38 plates. £37.50.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 February 2009, pp. 285-286
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Michael Bunce, The Countryside Ideal: Anglo-American Images of Landscape. London: Routledge, 1994. xiv + 232pp. 39 plates. Bibliography. No price stated.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 July 2011, pp. 409-410
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James J. Farley, Making Arms in the Machine Age: Philadelphia's Frankford Arsenal 1816-1870. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994. xv + 142pp. 21 illustrations. Bibliography. £29.00. - Harry C. Silcox, A Place to Live and Work: The Henry Disston Saw Works and the Tacony Community of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994. xix + 231pp. 55 plates. 5 tables. £32.00.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 July 2011, pp. 410-413
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Brian Boydell, Rotunda Music in Eighteenth-Century Dublin. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1992. 240pp. 24 illus. 17 tables. 2 graphs. 5 appendices. Bibliography. £22.50.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 February 2009, pp. 156-157
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Philip Jacks, The Antiquarian and the Myth of Antiquity: The Origins of Rome in Renaissance Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xix + 376pp. 103 illustrations £45.00, $65.00.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 February 2009, p. 287
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