We study the radial profiles of radio comtinuum (RC) and far-infrared (FIR) emissions and also the gas to dust ratio for a sample of 22 spiral galaxies. For this, we use the data from IRAS HiRES FIR maps, available VLA 20 cm maps and radial profile data available on neutral hydrogen (H) and molecular hydrogen (H2, derived from velocity integrated CO intensity). In order to have enough resolution with the 1-1.5 arcminute IRAS beam, the galaxies chosen were large sized and had a 60 μm flux density of more than 5 Jy. The sample consists of: NGC 628, NGC 2403, NGC 2841, NGC 2903, NGC 3079, NGC 3198, NGC 3627, NGC 3628, NGC 4192, NGC 4254, NGC 4303, NGC 4321, NGC 4501, NGC 4535, NGC 4569, NGC 4656, NGC 4736, NGC 5033, NGC 5055, NGC 6503, NGC 6946 and NGC 7331. For 13 of these galaxies information is also available on metallicity (z) and V band CCD maps.