Four compounds have been electrolysed and the nature of the resulting compounds investigated. These are:—
(a) Potassium ethyl ethoxymalonate, which gave ethyl diethoxyacetate, the alcoholate of ethyl glyoxylate, a little ethyl diethoxysuccinate, ethyl alcohol, oxalic acid, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde.
(b) Potassium ethyl diethoxysuccinate, which gave ethyl formylethoxyacetate, oxalic acid, ethyl oxalate, ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, and formic acid.
(c) Potassium ethoxyacetate, which gave formaldehyde, alcohol, and formaldehyde diethylacetal.
(d) Sodium amyloxyacetate, which gave amyl amyloxyacetate, formaldehyde diamylacetal, formaldehyde, and iso-valeric aldehyde.
The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor Sir James Walker, F.R.S., for his helpful suggestions and advice in the course of this research.