I describe various stages of energy flow along an extragalactic jet, which subsequently evolves into an extended lobe which is visible in radio and X-rays. The sizes of the lobes vary from kpc scales to several megaparsec, so that the largest lobes are clearly injecting back hole energy into the IGM on scales comparable with a galaxy-galaxy separation. This is sometimes loosely referred to as Black hole-IGM “feedback”. My talk begins with a well-formed jet, and avoids the complex and unclarified physics at less than a few Schwarzschild radii that cause the initial launching the jet.
This presentation focuses on recent thinking and supercomputer simulations that appear to clarify the fundamental nature of these remarkable jets and lobes. The energy transport process appears to be electrodynamic, rather than particle beam–driven. A new observational verification of a 1018 Ampère current in an actual jet is concordant with the predictions and simulations of poynting flux-dominated electromagnetic jets. In this model the current is tightly related to the BH mass and angular energy.
The magneto-plasma properties of the lobes must obviously match to the jets which feed them. The “energy sink” phase is when BH energy is ultimately deposited on supra-galactic scales. The process from the BH to the lobe production happens with remarkable efficiency. The presence or absence of a galaxy cluster environment creates laboratory conditions that help to calibrate the energy flow paths, and the magnetic rigidity of these jet-lobe systems.
I conclude by describing recent, sensitive radio observations on supra-cluster scales that test for final magnetic energy deposition - the “sink” phase - into the intergalactic medium.