Consider a portfolio of n identically distributed risks X1, …, Xn with dependence structure modelled by an Archimedean survival copula. It is known that the probability of a large aggregate loss of
$\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{n} X_{i}$ is in proportion to the probability of a large individual loss of X1. The proportionality factor depends on the dependence strength and the tail behavior of the individual risk. In this paper, we establish analogous results for an aggregate loss of the form g(X1, …, Xn) under the more general model in which the Xi's have different but tail-equivalent distributions and the copula remains unchanged, where g is a homogeneous function of order 1. Properties of these factors are studied, and asymptotic Value-at-Risk behaviors of functions of dependent risks are also given. The main results generalize those in Wüthrich [16], Alink, Löwe, and Wüthrich [2], Barbe, Fougères, and Genest [4], and Embrechts, Nešlehová, and Wüthrich [9].