It will be in Chicago, with headquarters at the Palmer House, on 27, 28, and 29 December. Members who wish to submit papers, with a view to places on the official Program, should communicate at once with the chairman of the appropriate Group or Section (not with the Secretary of the Association). Following the title of each Group or Section, the first name (italicized) is that of the 1965 Chairman, who must have his complete program in the hands of the editor on or before Wednesday, 22 September 1965; the second name is that of the 1965 Secretary, who, in most cases, will presumably become the 1966 Chairman, and whose name is given in case members may be interested in preparing papers for the 1966 meeting. See “For Members Only” in this issue, p. A-10, for the announcement of any topics for the 1965 Groups or Sections of which we have to date been informed.