Hg-based superlattices (SL)-e.g., the HgTe/CdTe SL–exhibit interesting and important physical properties. Among these are the tunability of the band gap, achieved by varying the thicknesses of the two constituent materials; and the existence of the vajeqnce band offset, on which the details of the valence bands of the SL largely depen. Recently a new type of Hg-based SL, the Hg1-xMnxTe/HgTe SL, has been successfully prepared. In addition to the ability of varying its band gap by controlling the Mn content, this SL has the advantage that some of its important parameters, including the band offset, can be tuned by an external magnetic field because of the spin-spin exchange interaction in the Hg1-xMnxTe layers. So far, the electronic and optical properties of this type of SL have not been explored.