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Editorial board

Professor Peter McBurney, King’s College, London, UK
[email protected]

Professor Simon Parsons, University of Lincoln, UK
[email protected]

Deputy Editor

Dr Patrick Mannion, National University of Ireland Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland

Editorial Board

Professor Jacky Baltes, National Taiwan Normal University,Taiwan

Professor Odest Chad Jenkins, University of Michigan,USA

Dr Frans Coenen, Department of Computer Science|Ashton Building, Ashton St.|University of Liverpool|P.O. Box 147|Liverpool L69 3BX|UK

Professor Maria Fasli, University of Essex|School of Computer Science and Engineering|Wivenhoe Park|Colchester CO4 3SQ|UK

Dr Jordi Sabater Mir, IIIA-CSIC|Campus Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona|08193 - Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain

Dr Ann Nowe, Vrije Universiteit Brussel|Departement of Computer Science|Pleinlaan 2|B-1050 Brussels|Belgium

Professor Shrisha Rao, IIIT-Bangalore|26/C Electronics City|Hosur Road|Bangalore 560 100, India

Professor Jaime Sichman, University of São Paulo|Department of Computer Engineering|Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 158 travessa 3|05508-970 - São Paulo|Brazil

Professor Liz Sonenberg, Faculty of Science|The University of Melbourne|Parkville 3010|Australia