The following lists are composed of words and meanings which, occurring in the Harṣa-Carita of Bāṇa, are not quoted, or are instanced only from grammars, dictionaries, and commentaries, in the great St. Petersburg Lexicon and the smaller Lexicon of Böhtlingk. Only a few words not coming under this definition have for special reasons been included; namely, where I was unable in the Kashmir text to verify Böhtlingk's references to Bāṇa's work, where only an inferior work is cited, and where I or the Sanskrit commentator, Çaṅkara, did not adopt the exact rendering given in the two dictionaries. It did not appear on the whole worth while to quote words and meanings simply because their earliest occurrence was in the Harṣa-Carita, or because they illustrated the well-known and extremely close lexical affinity of Bāṇa's works with such books as the Bṛhat-Saṃhitā, Rāja-Taraṅngiṇī, Kathā-Sarit-Sāgara, Vāsavadattā, Daçakumāra-Carita, and also the Kāvya literature in general.