The Tanjur contains, beside the Meghadūta, two short poems attributed to Kālidāsa, both mentioned by Huth in his analysis of Mdo, vols. cxvii–cxxiv (Sitziungsberichte d. k. preuss. Akademie d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1895, xv, p. 17). One is entitled Maṅgalāṣṭaka, and is found in Rgyud, vol. lxxxvi, fol. 225. The other, a hymn to Sarasvatī (Rgyud, vol. lxxxii, foll. 199–200), I here transcribe with a tentative translation, which may perhaps enable scholars to estimate the probability of the supposed authorship, and to identify the work with the Sanskrit original if discovered. None of the numerous printed collections of Sanskrit stotras appear to contain anything corresponding to it, nor is it identical with any of the manuscript stotras to Sarasvatī which I have been able to examine. Perhaps some scholar may be able to discover verses cited from it.