The Arabic MS. Add. 7,320, Cat. cccvii, is unidentified. It is a historical fragment beginning with the necrology of the year 58 A.H., and extending to the succession of Ma'mūn in 198 A.H. It contains 162 folios of 23 lines to the page: there is an omission at fol. 49a, 1. 10, where the narrative passes suddenly from the notice of Anas b. Mālik, under 92 A.H., to the killing of the poet Waḍḍāḥ al-Yaman by Walīd (as told in the Kitāb al-Aāni, vi, 39, 1. 9, a.f.), and at fol. 101 comes a gap of 23 years, the text breaking off in the midst of the obituary notice of the Caliph Saffāḥ, and resuming on fol. 102 in that of the poet Ḥammād al-Rāwiya, in a story on him by al-Dāraquṭni (Brockelmann, i, 165) quoted from his Kitāb al - Taṣḥīḥ (Ḥ. Kh., No. 9,975). Thence the text proceeds uninterruptedly to the point where it breaks off early in the year 198 A.H.