Bleddyn Davies, Care Management, Equity and Efficiency: The International Experience, PSSRU, University of Kent, 1992. v + 169 pp., no price given.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 279-281
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Virginia Berridge and Philip Strong (eds.), AIDS and Contemporary History, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1993), x + 286 pp., £35.00 hard. - E. G. Knox, C. MacArthur and K. J. Simons (eds.), Sexual Behaviour and AIDS in Britain, London, HMSO, 1993, x + 246 pp., £20.00 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 110-111
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J Morton (ed.), Recent Research on Services for Black and Minority Ethnic Elderly People, Conference Proceedings, Age Concern/Institute of Gerontology, London, 1993, 39 pp., £5.00 paper. - A. Tinker, C. McCreadie and A. Salvage, The Information Needs of Elderly People: An Exploratory Study, Age Concern/Institute of Gerontology, London, 1993, 60 pp., £5.50 paper. - C. McCreadie (ed.), Elder Abuse: New Findings and Policy Guidelines, Conference Proceedings, Age Concern/Institute of Gerontology, London, 1993, 42 pp., £5.00 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 599-601
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Seth Koven and Sonya Michel (eds.) Mothers of a New World, Routledge, New York and London, 1993, xi + 447 pp., paper £13.99.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 433-435
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Sally Baldwin and Jane Carlisle, Social Support for Disabled Children and their Families: A Review of the Literature, HMSO, London, 1994, 84 pp., £8.50 paper. - Julia Twigg and Karl Atkin, Carers Perceived: Policy and Practice in Informal Care, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1994, 173 pp., £37.50 hard. - Gillian Parker and Dot Lawton, Different Types of Care, Different Types of Carer: Evidence from the General Household Survey, HMSO, London, 1994, 121 pp., £12.50 paper
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 601-603
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Jonathan Bradshaw, John Ditch, Hilary Holmes and Peter Whiteford, Support for Children: A Comparison of Arrangements in Fifteen Countries, HMSO/DSS, London, 1993, 137 pp., paper £22.95.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 435-436
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Mirian E. David, Parents, Gender and Education Reform, Polity Press, Oxford, 1993, ix + 256 pp., £45.00 hard, £12.95 paper. - Philipa Cordingley and Maurice Kogan, In Support Education: Governing the Reformed System, Jessica Kingsley, London, 1993, 126 pp.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 111-113
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Elizabeth Meehan, Citizenship and the European Community, Sage, London, 1993. 194 pp. hard £32.50, paper £11.95.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 281-282
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Miriam Bernard and Kathy Meade (eds.), Women Come of Age, London, Edward Arnold, 1993, x + 230 pp., £9.99 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 113-114
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John Hills, The Future of Welfare: A Guide to the Debate, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York, 1993, 91 pp., paper £8.50.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 436-437
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Sara Arber and Maria Evandrou (eds.), Ageing, Independence and the Life Course, Jessica Kingsley, London with the British Society of Gerontology, 1993. 256 pp. paper £16.95. - Paul Johnson and Jane Falkingham, Ageing and Economic Welfare, Sage, London, 1992. x + 206 pp. paper £10.95.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 282-284
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Henry J. Pratt, Grey Agendas: Interest Groups and Public Pensions in Canada, Britain, and the United States, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1993, 241 pp., £21.00 hard. - Kari Salminen, Pension Schemes in the Making: A Comparative Study of the Scandinavian Countries, The Central Pension Security Institute, Helsinki, 1993, 410 pp., £16.00 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 603-605
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Randall Smith, Lucy Gaster, Lyn Harrison, Linda Martin, Robin Means and Peter Thistlethwaite, Working Together for Better Community Care, Bristol, School for Advanced Urban Studies, 1993, 242 pp., £11.95 paper
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 115-116
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Lawrence L. Martin, Total Quality Management in Human Service Organizations, Sage, London, 1993, 107 pp., £13.50 paper. - Colin Morgan and Stephen Murgatroyd, Total Quality Management in the Public Sector, The Open University Press, Buckingham, 1994, xii + 212 pp., £40.00 hard, £14.99 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 605-607
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Michael Hill, The Welfare State in Britain: A Political History since 1945, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1993. xi + 188 pp. hard £39.95, paper £9.95.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 284-285
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Stephen J. Anderson, Welfare Policy and Politics in Japan, Paragon House, New York, 1993, 194 pp., hard £41.50.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 437-439
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Robert Page and John Baldock (eds.), Social Policy Review 5, Social Policy Association, Canterbury, 1993, 326 pp., paper £9.50.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 439-440
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Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, One Small Step Towards Racial Justice, London, 1993. 258 pp. paper £10.00. - Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, Setting the Context for Change, London, 1993. 198 pp. paper £6.50.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 285-287
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Stephen Harrison and Christopher Pollitt, Controlling Health Professionals: The Future of Work and Organization in the NHS, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1994, xii + 176 pp., £37.50 hard, £12.99 paper. - Wendy Ranade, A Future for the NHS? Health Care in the 1990s. Longman, London, 1994, 180 pp., £10.99 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 607-609
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John Swain, Vic Finkelstein, Sally French & Mike Oliver (eds.). Disabling Barriers – Enabling Environments, London, Sage, 1993, xii + 307 pp., £12.95 paper.
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- 20 January 2009, pp. 116-117
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