Reviews Articles and Long Reviews
The second international Etruscan conference - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI STUDI ETRUSCHI E ITALICI, SECONDO CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE ETRUSCO, FIRENZE 26 MAGGIO 2 GIUGNO 1985. ATTI = SUPPLEMENTO DI STUDI ETRUSCHI (Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Roma 1989). Vol. I: pp. li + 1-594; vol. II: pp. xv + 595-1160; vol. III: pp. xv + 1161-1683; half-tone ills. ISBN 88-7689-053-X. Lit. 1.000.000.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 272-278
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Etruscan mirrors in the Louvre, and the Corpus - DENISE EMMANUEL-REBUFFAT , CORPUS SPECULORUM ETRUSCORUM: FRANCE 1, PARIS – MUSÉE DU LOUVRE I (L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1988). Pp. 206 including 118 plates. ISBN 88-7062-645-8. Lit.250.000.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 279-283
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Ancient and modern historiography - A. MOMIGLIANO , THE CLASSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHY (University of California Press, Berkeley 1990). Pp. xi + 162. ISBN 0-520-06890-4.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 284-285
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Statistics and Roman society - RICHARD DUNCAN-JONES , STRUCTURE AND SCALE IN THE ROMAN ECONOMY (Cambridge University Press, 1990). Pp. xvi + 245, 20 figs., 51 tables. ISBN 0-521-35477-3. £35.00, $59.50.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 286-290
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Introducing Roman public buildings - I. M. BARTON (Ed.), ROMAN PUBLIC BUILDINGS (Exeter Studies in History no.20, Exeter 1989). Pp. 177, 51 figs., 40 plates. ISBN 0-85989-239-5; ISSN 0260-8628. £3.95.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 291-293
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A new book on Dionysiac iconography - ERWIN POCHMARSKI , DIONYSISCHE GRUPPEN: EINE TYPOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG ZUR GESCHICHTE DES STÜTZMOTIVS (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien 1990). Pp.xvi + 417, 82pp. of black and white plates. ISBN 3-900-306-1.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 294-296
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Die Wiederentdeckung der frühkaiserzeitlichen Sepulkralkunst - FRIEDERIKE SINN , STADTRÖMISCHE MARMORURNEN (Beiträge zur Erschließung hellenistischer und kaiserzeitlicher Skulptur und Architektur Band 8, herausgegeben von K. Fittschen und P. Zanker, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein 1987). x + 321 Seiten, 3 Tabellen und 104 Taf. mit 519 Photos. ISBN 3-8053-0906-6. DM 198.- - DIANA E. E. KLEINER , ROMAN IMPERIAL FUNERARY ALTARS WITH PORTRAITS (Archaeologica 62, Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma 1987). 320 Seiten, 69 Taf. mit 248 Abbildungen. ISBN 88-7689-079-3. Lit. 650.000.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 297-307
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L'écrit et l'image: la peinture ancienne - AGNES ROUVERET , HISTOIRE ET IMAGINAIRE DE LA PEINTURE ANCIENNE (Veme siècle av. J.-C.–Ier siècle ap. J.-C. (BEFAR 274, Roma 1989; distribution De Boccard, Paris). Pp. 577.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 308-318
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Weitere Prolegomena zur römischen Kunst - E. K. GAZDA (Ed.), ROMAN ART IN THE PRIVATE SPHERE. NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE ARCHITECTURE AND DECOR OF THE DOMUS, VILLA, AND INSULA (Ann Arbor 1991) 156 S., Taf. ISBN 0-472-10196-X (alk. paper). $39.50.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 319-330
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The study of houses - T. GANSCHOW , UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR BAUGESCHICHTE IN HERCULANEUM (Antiquitas Reihe 3, Abhandlungen zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, zur klassischen und provinzial-römischen Archäologie und zur Geschichte des Altertums 30; Habelt, Bonn 1989). Pp. 345, 3 col. pls., 20 black-and-white pls., 33 figs. ISBN 3-7749-2379-5. - TRAN TAM TINH , LA CASA DEI CERVI A HERCULANEUM (Archaeologica 74, Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma 1988). Pp. xi + 168, 243 figs. (mainly black-and-white pls.), 20 pls. (line-drawings). ISSN 0391-9293; ISBN 88-7689-014-9.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 331-337
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Environmental and other Pompeian studies - ROBERT I. CURTIS (ed.), STUDIA POMPEIANA ET CLASSICA IN HONOR OF WILHELMINA F. JASHEMSKI I: POMPEIANA (Aristide D. Caratzas, New York 1988). Pp. xxi + 330, numerous ills. ISBN (vol.1) 0-89241-423-5; (set) 0-89241-425-1. $85.00 (set $155). - MARISA MASTROROBERTO (ed.), ARCHEOLOGIA E BOTANICA. ATTI DEL CONVEGNO DI STUDI SUL CONTRIBUTO DELLA BOTANICA ALLA CONOSCENZA E ALLA CONSERVAZIONE DELLE AREE ARCHEOLOGICHE VESUVIANE, POMPEI 7-9 APRILE 1989 (Ministero per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali, Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, Monografie 2, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1990). Pp. 117, numerous ills. (including colour). ISBN 88-7062-682-2.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 338-340
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Archaeology in Albania - PIERRE CABANES (Ed.), L'ILLYRIE MÉRIDIONALE ET L'ÉPIRE DANS L'ANTIQUITÉ, ACTES DU COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE CLERMONT-FERRAND (22-25 OCTOBRE 1984) (Editions Adosa, Germont-Ferrand 1987). Pp. 274 with figures. ISBN 2-86639-011-3. 490 FF. - ARNE EGGEBRECHT (Hrsg.), ALBANIEN, SCHÄTZE AUS DEM LAND DER SKIPETAREN (Philip von Zabern, Mainz 1988). Pp. 476, many illustrations. ISBN 3-8053-0978-3. ISBN 3-8053-1017-X. - GUNTRAM KOCH , ALBANIEN, KUNST UND KULTUR IM LAND DER SKIPETAREN (DuMont, Köln 1989). Pp. 335. 33 colour, 88 half-tone pls., many figs. ISBN 3-7701-2079-5. DM 42.-
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 341-348
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The unity and diversity of Romanisation - THOMAS BLAGG AND MARTIN MILLETT (Edd.), THE EARLY ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE WEST (Oxbow Books, Oxford 1990). Pp. 250 with numerous maps and illustrations. ISBN 0-946897-22-0. £18.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 349-352
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THE SIENA AMPHORA CONFERENCE: Part 1: Amphorae and the Roman economy - AMPHORES ROMAINES ET HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE. DIX ANS DE RECHERCHES (ACTES DU COLLOQUE DE SIENNE, 22-24 MAI 1986, ORGANISÉS PAR L'UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA, L'UNIVERSITÀ DI STUDI DI ROMA-LA SAPIENZA, LE C.N.R.S. (RCP 403), ET L'ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE DE ROME (Collection de l'École française de Rome 114, Roma 1989, distributed by De Boccard Paris). Pp. 668 including numerous line-drawings and black and white photographs. ISSN 0223-5099; ISBN 2-7283-01810-8.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 353-360
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THE SIENA AMPHORA CONFERENCE: Part 2: Amphores romaines d'Orient
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 361-366
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The cities of Tarraconensis - ANTONIO TOVAR , IBERISCHE LANDESKUNDE: SEGUNDA PARTE. LAS TRIBUS Y LAS CIUDADES DE LA ANTIGUA HISPANIA, TOMO 3. TARRACONENSIS (Verlag Valentin Koerner, Baden-Baden 1989). Pp. 508, 1 map. ISBN 3-87320-814-8. DM 240.-
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 367-368
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Una importante contribución a la tipología de los altares hispánicos - G. GAMER , FORMEN RÖMISCHER ALTÄRE AUF DER HISPANISCHEN HALBINSEL (Madrider Beiträge 12; Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein, 1989). 338 pp., 152 láms.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 369-373
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Nueva luz sobre la romanización de Hispania: un modelo metodológico - GÉZA ALFÖLDY , RÖMISCHEN STÄDTEWESEN AUF DER NEUKASTILISCHEN HOCHEBENE. EIN TESTFALL FÜR DIE ROMANISIERUNG (Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Jahrgang 1987, 3. Abhand., Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg 1987). 144 p., 8 láms.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 374-377
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Nuevas publicaciones sobre el poblamiento rural en el nordeste de la Tarraconensis - A. ROURA , P. CASTANYER , J. M. NOLLA , S. J. KEAY & J. TARRÚS , LA VILLA ROMANA DE VILAUBA (CAMÓS). ESTUDI D'UN ASSENTAMENT RURAL (CAMPANYES DE 1979-85) (Sèrie Monogràfica 8, Centre d'Investigacions Arqueològiques de Girona, Girona 1988). 119 pp., 62 figs., 5 láminas de fotografías. ISBN 84-86812-05-4. - J. CASAS I GENOVER , L'OLIVET D'EN PUJOL I ELS TOLEGASSOS. DOS ESTABLIMENTS AGRICOLES D'ÈPOCA ROMANA A VILADAMAT (CAMPANYES DE 1982 A 1988) (Sèrie Monogràfica 10, Centre d'Investigacions Arqueològiques de Girona, Girona 1989). 209 pp., 114 figs. con fotografías. ISBN 84-86812-14-3.
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- 16 February 2015, pp. 378-385
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Gold coin finds in Roman Gaul and Germany - JEAN-PIERRE CALLU , XAVIER LORIOT , L'OR MONNAYÉ II. LA DISPERSION DES AUREI EN GAULE ROMAINE SOUS L'EMPIRE (Cahiers Ernest-Babelon 3, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques du C.N.R.S., Editions A.P.D.C.A., 11, avenue René-Barthélémy, 06160 Juan-les-Pins, 1990). Pp. 591, 10 cartes. ISBN 2-904-11011-8. 300 FF.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 386-387
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